May I have the side as my main dish? :P
A decent read, quite short too. It gave me a good sense of a 'day in the life' of a DD relationship. It also made me a little more unsure of whether I'd like a DD relationship or whether I'd prefer to keep D/s 'in the bedroom.' Getting to sample both is the only way to know 🧐
I really like this!! The scene and the postures of the two people seem so realistic. At first I thought it was odd the woman was wearing sunglasses, but then I noticed how bright each screen was and the sunglasses made sense :P
You're sexy and funny
Can confirm, your butt looks great. Lovely photo and scenery too!
Very hot! I'd love to be spanked in front of others in a sex club and fucked awake 🤤
Thanks for sharing your beautiful body with us. I too like Muesli ☺️
/s, right? I think on some level you might wish you were in better shape, which is completely valid. I know it's difficult though - I just ended a long sedentary streak myself. Redirect the energy in your comment to addressing any needs you have for more physical activity or other self-care. (Aerobic) exercise has so many benefits it's a safe bet. Find something you enjoy, as it'll be much easier to stick to it. Sending good vibes your way <3
Nice pic!
Great question!
Tisk, tisk. No one likes to be disturbed during dinner