The term is secure or self-secure.
As in: “it didn’t bother him because he is secure in himself”
The term is secure or self-secure.
As in: “it didn’t bother him because he is secure in himself”
Yes, sorry, I made a mistake when linking. The commenter PoolloverNathan left the correct link
Oops, thank you. I appreciate the reply. First time linking something here
I like the tool and am going to keep playing with it, but in my first run I’ve found that it seems to have an issue with the “App Store” vs “terminal command” installation question. My final results, having chosen “terminal commands,” listed some distros as not recommended because of manual install, including arch, gentoo, void, etc. Otherwise big thumbs up
Edited to add: my results
You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Their CPUs are ARM based, so yes, they can power down more efficiently than x86 and therefore squeeze a bit more battery life. However, they charge $2500 for a $1500 machine and every minor upgrade to them costs wayyyyy more than market value.
Which is fine. Apple can sell whatever product they want and if consumers buy them, then good, people are getting what they want and Apple is profitable. But don’t sit here and tell the world that it’s a “competitive” product. It’s an overpriced, fashionable, niche computer.
Also, the company your looking for alongside intel is AMD
You’re getting tripped up with the words. It could be rephrased to “copying the data.”
The owner doesn’t have any way to access this copied information, but they do have the copy that is on their phone.
The reason the owner isn’t given access to the data is obvious. Because anyone with a brain would immediately delete it, but the car company wants to be able to use it
You are definitely right. I’m a little tipsy but would like to convince myself that I did already know that. I’ll add an edit to my fist comment to alert readers I had it wrong
Edit: I was corrected below, I had it wrong. But I’ll leave my original post unaltered, just know to read further
You’ve got some replies already, but I (not a lawyer) feel like you don’t quite have “entrapment” right.
Entrapment is when an average person might be duped into doing something unlawful in a circumstance where it might appear lawful or at least appear moral to the average person.
I don’t trust this example to hold up entirely, but here is a go at it: hitchhiking is illegal most places in the US, but should an officer pose as a hitchhiker that appears mortally wounded beg for a ride, you pick them up to take to the hospital, then they fine you for picking up a hitchhiker, would constitute as entrapment
They are confirming that, yes, it is an option to have a partition dedicated to just the user’s (your) home environment and folders
asking if that is an option that appeals to you or you have already considered.
It is what I prefer, but there are people who have good reason to not like that. It’s worth trying out imo, and later if you find that it doesn’t suit you, that’s okay, you’ll just need to find another solution
Ya’ll are nuts. I logged in to a windows 10 pc after ~1 year so that I could flash a SD card. Windows immediately updates and literally bricked an ssd. How is that “general computing”
Look through OP’s account. It’s an Israel state troll. A broken clock and all that, but don’t encourage it