I, unfortunately, switched to a phone without a headphone jack. I hope to be able to switch back in a few years when I need a new one.
Most gun owners believe that those statistics don't apply to them. I believe they do apply to me (since I do live with a gun owner).
I agree that resistance is unlikely to primarily take the form of infantry combat, but it wouldn't surprise me if some communities do have to repel an armed force, which will be much more difficult without at least some community members having access to and proficiency with small arms.
I'm in favor of regulating guns, and I feel like keeping one on my person / in my living space actually increases my risk of injury. However, I also think it's a good idea to know how to violently resist if necessary. (I have shot pistols, shotguns, and rifles before.) And, I don't think it's unreasonable for people of any political persuasion to have access to armaments in case they need to "fertilize the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants".
I'm been told that it is not just virtue-signaling (it is), but that it is also a virtue (allyship) in action. Normalizing sharing that information make it easier for people that have a more complex relationship with their gender than I do.
I hoping my (PH)EV lasts as long as my previous (and hopefully last) ICE. I only got 15 years out of the ICE, and I've gotten 5 out of the EV so far...
If you don't remove the bones with your teeth, it makes you weak. /s
Agreed. I haven't gotten one of those mails in years, but it would be nice to get one if my cronjob was silently failing every day for a month.
Yes, laws should take root in the hearts of the people. When they fail to, no amount of policing will make their practice universal.
That said, copyright hasn't been working well for quite a while.
Only if your backup (or restore) process circumvents the DRM. But, yes, fuck the DMCA.
On that subject, copyright is a broken system, and I don't think anyone should feel compelled to participate in it anymore. You should try to compensate creators, but copyright theft is just the norm for corporations now (not just LLMs either, legal fictions have let Disney justify not paying on some of their licenses) so you do you.
You want code that works as intended instead of through trial and error? TDD (Test-Driven Development).
You don't have to follow a specific process, but you do need to internalize that way of thinking about development, so you can use it as a tool. Tests are a good way (but not the only way) to set your intent, focus your writing, and acknowledge your progress.
If you find tests useful, you might also proceed to mutation testing (jester / pester / mu check) or property testing (quickcheck / hypothesis / fastcheck). Or, even graduate to the real TDD (Type-Driven Development) which is best covered by the "TDD with Idris" book.
That's why to keep a backup, as is your legal right.
I was a daily reader of CAD at the time and I thought the reaction was disproportionate, but none of my partners have ever had a miscarriage during the time I was with them, as far as I know. (I cannot have a miscarriage myself.) There were some reactions that just seemed "mean", but some people that had experienced a miscarriage (or a partner's miscarriage) felt attacked/wronged by the comic for various reasons. I personally thought it was creative, tho it was not the tone I was expecting.
I think we mostly still don't really know what makes things "go viral", so I'm really not sure why it did, though I think most of the "meme-abilty" has to do with how "recognizable" the minimalist takes make it. Ex: ~~:.|:;~~