Its basically a perfect game. It never feels dated and has one of the most horribly catchy songs ever created by man. Its weird that it's so fun, its like as simple as you can really boil down a game, its literally just arranging blocks into lines. But it just clicks with the human brain on some deep level.
Joplin for notes, and Rclone drastically improves any cloud services.
That game ruled, I remember one of the tracks had a huge hidden stunt room you could find.
I've been saying this forever too! Boomers were the ones complaining about thier kids playing them back in the day because of the violence and demonic imagery.
In the 90s people called them "Doom-like"s. I usually just say "90s FPS games". Which I guess could be confusing and make people think I'm talking about framerate, but eh.
1 and 2 are some of my favorite games ever. They're sort of like Pac-Man or Tetris, they just nailed such a basic, fun gameplay experience that you can always go back to it and get sucked in.
Also props for GZDoom and Brutal Doom updating them for modern hardware.
Look up Kneesovertoesguy on Youtube, he has a lot of good shoulder stability exercises.
The muscles the guy has labelled in the video look like rotator cuff muscles, which are commonly trained for shoulder issues.
I'm like that with OG Doom. Its half nostalgia and half it just being a fun game to play.
I'm on the 3rd Liveship Traders book by her right now. So 6 books deep into Elderlings with no plans on stopping. Robin Hobb is a complete genius at character writing.
The third book is excellent as well. Easilly one of my favorite scifi series.
Old school FPS games. Doom, Quake, Unreal, etc. They're just simple, cathartic stress relief.
I tried it briefly and it was like if someone made a social media service that was only the annoying aspects of social media.