Same here. I miss having actual discussions in comment threads once in a while.
Oddly enough, I didn’t see any of the posts you’re talking about. This is the first mention of Feinstein dying that I’ve seen, so thanks for the news, I guess.
Yeah, I have an extremely unusual name. From what I can tell there are at most three other people in the world with the same name as me, and none of them lives here in the US.
Leaving aside the fun of being hassled for having a weird name when I was a kid, as an adult I am very careful about what I put online, since there is no way to hide it. If it’s in English and connected with my name, it unquestionably concerns me.
What does that mean?
Yeah, the forum I mentioned has pretty heavy moderation, so I could have just happened to see a few comments before they were deleted.
I was thinking the same thing, that recently the tone around here has gotten more disagreeable. It might be something bigger going on, though. There is an old-style forum I visit that was quite pleasant for years, but lately I’ve been seeing surprisingly nasty comments there.
Why do you say that?
Yeah, I try to buy stuff from brick and mortar stores. I figure that even if it’s a big box store at least there are actual employees working there who live in my area.
But I can’t even find the kind of underwear I like at any physical store near me. Even online, Amazon seems to be the only place that stocks it.
The same goes for the style of jacket that I prefer. I’ve spent months looking everywhere, and the only place where I've found even an approximation of what I want is Amazon.
I’ve noticed that even in big box stores nowadays the selection is pretty limited. You'll see a wall of racks full of the same item. I don't know if it's supply chain issues or if they've just decided that it's not worth the trouble of trying to stock a variety of items that only appeal to a relatively small number of people.
I suppose the idea is that it’s possible that someone has written several books in the past, and wants to sell them on Amazon now.
Its been okay, if a bit stale, but this was one was disheartening.
Yeah, I feel the same way. The other episodes were all right, although a bit heavy on the memberberries, but this was just awful.
I haven't seen every episode of Futurama, but I've seen the vast majority, and while more than a few haven't been my kind of humor, this is the first one I've seen that I thought actually sucked.
In retrospect it’s amazing how the nicotine addiction causes you to accept hocking up giant wads of brownish-black phlegm every morning as entirely normal.
I wouldn’t go that far. I don’t miss having to scroll past endless chains of puns, recitations of song lyrics and film dialogue, or references to popular comments from years ago.