
joined 8 months ago
[–] 11 points 2 days ago

Wero is starting in many countries to be a replacement for PayPal

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Waa - the orange one is the best. I dislike the big chunks though

Let the fight of subjective gourmet opinions commence!

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

Mal kurz im Inflationsrechner: 2018 vs 2024, 1.52€ in München: sollten kosten 1.84€ - kosten 2024 tatsächlich: 2.10€ 🤷

30pfennig Kugel 1985 (15cent), wären 2024 laut rechner 30 cent..?

Der Artikel liest sich doch eher wie ein Lobbybeitrag... Keinerlei Einordnung.

Was mich wirklich interessieren würde, Jahr vs. Inflationsrate vs. Einskugelkosten über die letzten 30 Jahre. Konnte ich leider nicht finden

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

This is sadly related to the argument of Germany's conservative party right now, voting with right-extremists: "look what the left has made me do, we had to vote with Nazis, because the left didn't vote with us🥲"

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Bekannte in BaWü auf dem Land warten jetzt seit 5 Jahren darauf dass Glasfaser eingeschossen wird, das Leerrohr bis zum Haus liegt seit dem... Ich seh's noch nicht

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

I have such a keyboard since >4 years (Dell iirc)

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

Iirc gibt es bereits Urteile dazu - vllt nicht in Bayern aber in andern Bundesländern, und die Besitzer mussten zahlen.

Das waren aber eher 500€ nicht 500k€

[–] 5 points 3 months ago

I think your post could be misleading. Iirc there are three categories, drinks, food and milk-stuff. So you can absolutely compare frozen pizza with hummus, and maybe the frozen pizza has more protein and the hummus more fat.

The algorithm is on Wikipedia

Ps: I might also be wrong, but this is how I remember :)

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Exakt! Ich sehe das auch an Schulen, an der Uni, im Krankenhaus etc. war das schon immer so, das alles so knapp gestrickt ist? Gab es schon immer sowenig Redundanz, oder ist das die Auswirkung alles so "optimiert" wie möglich zu machen?

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Ich frag mich ja: Welche Fachkraft lässt den sowas mit sich machen? 60 Kinder zu zweit. Darf halt nix passieren...

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I use mostly, but used typst for formulas in quarto and in Makie.jl for combining scientific figures with complex formulas.I wrote some smaller documents and one paper collaboratively as of yet. Speed is amazing, error messages are interpretable.

The git integration works ok, once we had an issue with a weird branch problem but more on our side, but there is no way to fix it from right now.

What is missing is a suggestion-feature, mimicking track changes in word. E.g. overleaf has this (but not super nice imho).

Coming from a hacky-latex experience (not a latex dev in any way) of >10 years, the switch was immediate and easy. All that arcane knowledge I can now forget, figure, captions etc. just work.

I don't have experience with super crazy long formulas, not a mathematician.

But yeah, I was super sceptical at first - I mean, the promise to replace latex is a bit insane. But for my stuff, it just works.

Just try it at, maybe you don't even need to register, I don't remember.

[–] 10 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Using typst since some months - way saner than latex

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