
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

@c10l @homeassistant These have been rock solid for me. I am not sure how to see the energy being used.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

@tal @starfield I find the music fantastic.


I have an #Obsidian question. Can you change the default width of a note? I would like to change all my existing notes. @obsidian


I have a strange issue with When I pin a note #obsidian with hang. When I reopen it, loading workspace will hang. I have to delete workspace.json to get it to open again or resync my vault. Anyone have any ideas what is going on? @obsidian

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children) It is been pointed out to me, it is not HomeKit Bridge I need, it is HomeKit Devices. I also had that installed and it doesn’t see them either.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

@peedub That makes more sense, but I have that too.


I thought the #HomeAssistant HomeKit Bridge Integration was meant to import all your devices from HomeKit?

I have it setup as below and it is not seeing my DIRIGERA attached light bulbs. Should they be seen?



The #SunSynkPowerFlowCard just keeps getting better and better. This is my favourite #HomeAssistant power flow card. It can work with any inverter, just use the correct entities.


@obsidianmd @obsidian what is the latest on the WebP bug?


Just bought the @macsparky #ObsidianMD #Obsidian field guide. Really looking forward to watching it. I suppose I should make a note to watch it 😀

@obsidianmd @obsidian


I had my first @obsidian issue today. I have been using it years. It has been flawless.

My iMac would hang loading the workspace. I removed the vault and re-synced. That fixed it. I was fine on my other Mac and would open fine.

I then pinned a note on the iMac, and Obsidian would hang. The workspace then hung again when I re-opened. Very odd.

#Obsidian @obsidianmd