I'm a long time user of jottacloud. It's not really meant for 10TB+, but works great for what I need it to do.
OpenTTD is fantastic. Among the most polished open source games out there.
If you're not aware, there's a reboot of it that came out in 2014 on iOS. It's an atrocious port that no longer even works, but they redid the soundtrack, which is on YouTube and you might enjoy.
1 fills up halfway, which then overflows in 2. The bottom of 2 has a pipe running out of it, which is directed into 5
Yes, conrad.
Charging up!
Going to source
Surging forward
Electrician in the field
He's fried
Preparing shock therapy
AOC did among us during the previous election
Yes, it's utterly stupid. One reason I can point to is that the US never really had a national ID system. The social security number is a hack to get something along the lines of an ID, but it's not reliable enough to make it viable for elections.
If you think about it, it is when it comes to most of the Republicans.
Strategic lunch detected!
If you've ever tried US chocolate it's straight up god tier by comparison. Also, kvikk lunsj and fruktnøtt FTW
Great tip! My biggest issue is usually that the curtains themselves barely block any light. Light leaking between them tends to be a secondary issue.