Logseq does not require an internet connection or the use of a browser. The last part is true for now. Logseq PDF ready as others mentioned here is one of its best features. For code and email Logseq is not a good fit for either yet thought it can be extended to do so.
you have complete control over your data with logseq.
Thank you. Added the demo link to the OP. I used joplin before moving to logseq. Couldn't get a good workflow going, and I hated having to decide where to store information. Logseq journal solved that issue for me.
I don't use standard notes, but from what I know, the base idea is similar, but they really differ. It's hard to explain. It's the same as asking what the difference is between Notepad++ and Notepad since both can edit text.
I really recommend downloading logseq and giving it a shot, the best way to see what it can do.
That's what I used to do as well. This is much more convenient.
If you use emacs, you have no right to call something unfriendly lol /s.
Logseq supports both markdown and or-mode. I don't use orgmode, but to make an alias in Markdown, all you need to do is [alias]([[page name]])
I do agree that UX could use a lot of improvement.
Hey there! great to see you too. Hopefully, once the database version is released you will give it another shot!
There is a Jira plugin but I haven't used it. The plugin system is good but the project is still small. Definitely would be nice if there is more integrations with professional tools.
Similar yet very different. Easiest way to tell is to download it and give it a shot :)
That's why I prefer Logseq. I never think about what folder something fits into. I write in the journal and tag stuff. Once there is enough information regarding a topic, I create a page for it. Also, the fact that Logseq is open source is a major plus in my eyes.
The dev team is working on replacing the filesystem API with another protocol supported by Firefox. That page is just a demo; you only need the support if you want to save your changes to the demo. You can try the desktop app via flathub.