Rolling your own email is a pain. That said, I use a VPS and host my own server with domain name and site for $5/month. Setting it up was a pain, but once you get all the records right so you're not considered spam, it works really well. That said, I haven't done anything with webmail; I strictly use IMAP and SMTP.
I'm an American. Germans, please don't do to yourselves what we did. Keep AfD as far from power as possible.
I love my governor! I was really skeptical of him at first (being a billionaire and all)*, but he has really pleasantly surprised me. It looks like he's starting the soft campaign for president with this, and all I can say is that I am sad that if he gets elected, the loss of Illinois' best governor of my lifetime will be the entire country's gain.
*I wanted to add that his wealth still bothers me, but he's proven that he's the exception that proves the rule that billionaires are bad. He's really put his money to work for people and "can't be bought." With the amount of good he's done, it makes one wonder why the others haven't done anything similar.
Even a flat tax is progressive. If I make 10 times as much money as you, I pay 10 times as much in tax.
...He clearly doesn't understand what "progressive" and "regressive" taxation means. To break it down Barney-style, if you're poor and make $1000/month, and I'm better off and make $10,000/month with a flat tax of 10%, then you end up with $900, and I end up with $9000. With $900 you might be able to get food and gas for a month. With $9000, I can pay a mortgage, save a bit, and get gas and groceries. This isn't even taking into account that most of the obscenely wealthy take a tiny income and rather live off of investments, which are taxed differently and lower.
tl;dr: Whoever wrote this is clearly too stupid to be taken as a serious person.
It's a start. Just boycotting for a week, while a small drop, serves two purposes. First (assuming it registers), it's a warning shot to the powers that be saying, "We are asking politely that you pick our side. We will get less polite." Second, it gets people who would otherwise not resist more comfortable with it. Just as with evil, if one can go from A to B then B to C because C is not much more than B, the same incremental approach can be used for pro-social behaviors, too. In other words, not buying from Amazon for a week makes it easier to talk to friends about resisting, which makes it easier to go to a march, which makes it easier on and so forth.
That said, I doubt that this will have much of an effect on Amazon or the other powers that be. If it registers, it will be a small blip. With continued action, that blip will grow.
You do not want a coup. This needs to be the people dethroning Trump and Elon. Individual people in the military can help by not executing illegal or immoral orders, but the military should be not be the one to end this nightmare. It's on us.
It's definitely a risk, but I think that it's manageable. It's perfectly legal to print and post things. Even if the authorities start looking for people, tying the tracking dots to an individual becomes harder if the printer is older (records get lost or just superseded), bought via cash, or bought second hand. The bigger risk, I think, is being caught in the act and chased off or having the posters ripped down or otherwise destroyed.
Plus, risk is part of the game.
So you, yes that bag of flesh reading my comment, you’re only worth $50 to the richest fuckwad on the planet.
Hey, your math is a bit off. He's a racist apartheid apologist, so there's definitely a race coefficient in there somewhere.
If Bezos doesn't want to get paid to run it, let's run it ourselves and post it all over. Even better if it gets posted all over federal buildings.
Damn, don't go giving them ideas!
A general strike would be amazing, but it's not realistic. Even just having say 25% of workers out for a few days puts strain on the system. Same with limiting spending. If even 25% of the country spends only on essentials, then that'll translate to a couple percentage points of loss to major corporations (not all of course, but some major ones).
It's not about a silver bullet, it's about inflicting enough paper cuts that it starts to hurt. No one thing will be 100% effective.
Le terme n'a aucune définition. Pour l'extrême droite, "woke" est juste quelque chose qu'ils n'aiment pas. Aux États-unis, "woke" signifiait ”social justice," mais maintenant, ça n'a plus de sens sauf ”mauvais" pour l’extrême droits.