hard drives are going to be slow af copying data to itself, or moving data to a different partition on it.
then you're also adding partition size manipulation to the mix, which will also be slow af when data has to be moved off the 'end' of partitions to 'make room' to enlarge or create another with a different fs.
your best option is to get another drive, even if it's also a hard drive instead of ssd. use that to move (copy, really, to preserve the original as a backup for the time being) all the data to that you want to preserve.
i remember getting my first one. it was an amazing time. played a lot of games back then. not so much now. i just can't keep up with the upgrades, so i just play older ones every now and then.
a modern equivalent would be moving from an old pc with hdd to a new one with nvme ssd.