That's exactly what I'm saying. His father is English South African and his mother Canadian. He also went to an English school. He's not Afrikaans and therefore not an Afrikaner, so I doubt he cares about Afrikaners at all.
joined 2 years ago
Then you find a home elsewhere.
I don't know if it's regional, but some people might think you were talking about a fitting room, like in a clothing store.
Same in Dutch: sinaasappel
But that's what he said? I don't understand your comment.
I wish he explained how he got the data.
Han Solo was one of the character iirc
Capslock is great for writing SQL.
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I don't know what specifically Trump wants, I'm just going off of the linked article which mentions Afrikaners as well as the comment I replied to which made a strange correlation between Elon Musk and a demographic group that he is not even part of.
The reason Afrikaners are specifically targeted in these discussions is because apartheid was led by an Afrikaner government. So a lot of the conflict between the black people and white people in South Africa specifically revolves around the Afrikaners. The English South Africas, which form a smaller group than the Afrikaner population, is kind of just stuck in the crossfire. After the fall of apartheid, the new black government adopted laws, referred to as the Black Economic Empowerment laws, which I guess acts a bit like the USA's DEI laws that aim to provide what they refer to as "previously disadvantaged" groups with more opportunities. It is specifically these laws that Elon is referring to, but in the context of the recently passed Land ExpropriationAct, which in my opinion is not yet fully understood by everyone and what exactly it allows the government to do.
Also just a side note, while language is a key identifier, the Afrikaner demographic is more than just the language. It's a whole group of people who originally started in the Cape from mostly Dutch settlers, who then later moved throughout the rest of South Africa. There were also wars between the Afrikaners and English, such as the Second Boer War, so there's been a long history of conflict. That's why I wanted to emphasize that you cannot necessarily put Elon Musk on the side of the Afrikaners, despite him being white and born in South Africa.