
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Oh, 100% agree he should have been fired or at least put on a PIP, but my HR dept is toothless.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

This kind of stuff happens in big companies too, but you don't see it because it's not in a public mailing list. One of my teams had a developer who stood on tables to yell until his opinion was accepted, and one time when another developer wouldn't back down, he threw a chair at them. That angry developer worked there for another 7 years until retirement, while many smart team members around him quit rather than continue dealing with him.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Not according to RedHat, who I trust a hell of a lot more than a Phoronix article that cites a blog post.

CVE-2024-47176 cups-browsed (7.5)

CVE-2024-47076 cups-filter libcupsfilters (8.2)

CVE-2024-47175 libppd cups cups-filter (7.7)

CVE-2024-47177 cups-filters foomatic (6.1)

[–] 11 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I think KDE looks great out of the box, includes all the extensions I want, and is easy to configure.

[–] 25 points 10 months ago

This, this, this.

Also I often find inspiration in mechanics from MMOs, RPGs, and boss fight games like Elden Ring.

  • Shifting damage resistances based on HP phases or whoever crit it last
  • Phases where the boss takes no damage and the players have to do individual actions around the room before N turns or the boss heals
  • Forced side battles where one or more players need to kill a mook in another room before returning to battle
  • Shields that go down when players step on specific pressure plates, ensuring they're in range of my dmg
  • Capture the Flag style McGuffin delivery to kill the boss
  • Boss is fleeing through a dungeon at ~1 room per 3 turns and the party has to complete room objectives to reopen doors/keep up with him/keep LoS.
  • Boss has resistances to all damage until hit with N conditions when those resistances drop for N turns
[–] 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I can also add a recommendation for Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Honestly, it saved the movie for me... so much more interesting than the main audio track. They bring in the VFX lead who explains how they made all the special effects before CGI was a thing.

[–] 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Everybody gangsta until they set their block and filesystem drivers to module.

[–] 15 points 11 months ago (2 children)
[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I usually don't order my distros on the rocks, so they're all neat.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

Rotting in a Shinra prison for bombing a Mako reactor. In my defense, the new explosion graphics were great.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

No, you're not alone in this.

Looks like the kernel package was pushed to proposed-updates for stable but the corresponding nVidia package was not.

I recommend placing a hold on the kernel package until this one is fixed.

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