Obviously, they lied about his dad being Hamas.
But what I don't get is, how does it even matter who the father is?
He is 13 years old.
But thanks for the mirror.
Obviously, they lied about his dad being Hamas.
But what I don't get is, how does it even matter who the father is?
He is 13 years old.
But thanks for the mirror.
As much as I am convinced we will need UBI in our automated future, statements like yours are way too optimistic on the financials.
Let's see if we can get healthcare, education, school meals, food stamps and social security funded first.
After that we can start funding generous unemployment benefits to handle the first waves of unemployment due to automation.
And as the automation keeps gobbling up jobs, we can fund schemes for reschooling, early retirement, increase paid parental leave, increase paid vacation, promote part time work (e.g. working 4 days for 100% pay).
Once the totality of all these schemes costs the same as UBI, we can simplify it all be replacing the schemes with UBI.
The Dems should call his bluff and propose a constitutional amendment allowing three terms, perhaps under the condition that sitting presidents must win an open primary to be eligible for a second or third nomination.
FDR had three terms, plus a few months of a fourth term.
IMHO, the bigger issue is not having three terms, but the fact that sitting presidents can get the nomination without winning a primary. This practice removes an important opportunity to replace them.
Honestly, I really don't understand why a populist left party doesn't pursue this.
No tax on income below $100K and no tax on wealth, property and inheritance below $1M.
Or choose some other figures.
It seems like it would be a slam dunk to get voter support.
Eloquently put.
I have already made peace with the fact that I will die some day, but there is no need to rush it.
I agree with this take.
We are wired to find the next problem and to solve it. Enjoy our work for a short while and then start looking for the next problem to solve.
Whether it is cultural or genetic, I don't know, but it's definitely very deep in our western psyche and it will not be going away any time soon.
The main problem I see is that a lot of people in Western society nowadays use complaining as a substitute for action, and so problems don't get solved, but people convince themselves that they took action by complaining.
I fully agree. I think this should be an EU policy.
Building a strong European defense industry must be a priority for the whole Union.
Au contraire, nature is quite ignorant of the astronomical equinox.
For nature, things like the Cherry blossoms, the blooming of the magnolia tree and the awakening of the Bumble bee are the ways nature indicates when Spring has started.
Harvest season and autumn are more typically defined by brown leaves, ripe pumpkins and ripe cider apples.
Israel knows they have the US by the balls.
Iran has enough missiles to wreck havoc on tiny Israel. It's only the threat of retaliation by the USA that holds Iran back.
No other country would retaliate against Iran on Israels behalf.
And to make it even more idiotic, Israel really doesn't have bunker busters that are 2x better than the best the USA has. So they can't actually destroy any significant part of Iran's nuclear facilities.
So it would just be an empty show of force that would force the Iranian regime to retaliate to save face, which then lures in the USA into yet another war in the Middle-east.
I hope Americans are ready to throw another $10T into yet another MENA war.
And in temperate climates, the first day of spring and Harvest feasts, marked in different cultures in different natural ways.
Looking at this map, it does seem that Cook Islands could provide China a strategic corridor in the midst of French and American waters.
I kinda wondered about BSW though. They are left, they are anti-immigration and they are capable of pulling votes from AfD and Die Linke - the two parties that compete most with CDU/CSU and SPD, respectively.
So they could be quite a strategic partner.