I agree with you and don't feel that I'd support one of the big parties enough to cast my vote for them in a situation where it's pest vs cholera. But with the right being so clearly against humanity and democratic values I think the time has come to choose either pest or cholera over evil itself. Usually I voted for a small party that falls under the 5% but this time I won't, just because I'd rather cast my vote for a party that clearly positions themselves against the right and I can agree with in some ways than to not give it at all or cast it without any impact in the actual government.
In germany and all of europe i have been to there are no cart wranglers because everyone just put their cart back in it's place. Before covid all carts had a little lock and chain that connects to the back of the next cart and you can unlock it with a coin. During covid many stores got rid of them and everybody is still putting their carts away. When I worked at a grocery store and there was no line I used my time to talk to my coworkers, stock the shelves or enjoy the quiet for a few minutes...
I agree that you should talk to her in a calm and friendly manner and situation outside of school if possible. It is important to understand though that almost noone acts like an asshole without having an unfullfilled need being the reason behind it. Understanding what it is that she needs instead of just telling her to stop without actually filling that lack of love/praise/... will help you both. Try to open the conversation in a sense of you feeling something is off with her and wanting her to feel good, instead of you telling her that she is doing something wrong. That obviously triggers her in some kind of way and will make for a rocky start. I think it's great that you don't judge her but instead are looking for advise. I would have needed a friend like you when I was that age.
Since I work with teenagers I might have some insight but it could be a completely different reason so idk, take this for what it is: my mostly uneducated opinion: From what you described in your post to me it seems like she is craving praise in a sports context. Maybe she feels like she is not good enough or has been told that by her family. Not being able to compliment you for winning a point could be a sign of that and her jealousy towards others being praised. Maybe she is comparing herself to a sibling that seems to be getting more attention from a parent because of their fitness abilities. Maybe she is angry at something completely different and it just shows during sports because of the atmosphere and high energy levels.
I wanna thank anadius dearly for letting me hate this game in all it's bugged glory for >1000h without ever paying for it.
I'm unsure if they count as bugs but I got stung in the head by a wasp yesterday while it was 5°C and -2°C the night before. They can not be bothered.
I got a jump for my 18th birthday and was really looking forward to it. It was a jump from a crane over a lake and you would dip your head in the water at the lowest point. The jump itself was ok but nothing I'd want to repeat in itself but once I reached the lowest point and the rebound hit me, my head felt like it was about to explode. I felt horrible for the next few hours plus my hair was wet from the dip. Thanks, just no thanks.