Was waiting for a special type of Porsche, but tapparently I was wrong. Would be a good way to escape quickly Amy responsibility !
Still conveys some information: seems they are using a qwerty layout.
Then, are tips included in the waiters taxable income, or is it more like extra money not contributing to the common thnijgs ? (genuine auestion)
Too much makeup ! Deal breaker.
Well, it's a little more than " Israël bad". More like "Israel supposed to be good but kills tens of thousands of children, women and men, destroys any possible future for nations (incl. itself), ignores UN resolutions for years and is actively expanding colonies on extremist religious grounds and far right supremacist views". So " Hamas bad" ....
Maybe it's only a way for them to express their disagreement with the actions if the israelian government ? As this is deemed antisemitic, it might cause overreaction...
Well, I guess I'm not a tankie then, nor an American either. I was born as a western citizen, in the good side of the world. Then... I have been fooledva deceived by the western world. I don't expect China, or Russia, or any dictatorship to do any good. I was expecting the US and Europe and even Israel to do so. Then.... About Grahib, Guantanamo, Gaza, Snowden's revelations, Rainbow warrior, hate, lies, massacres, ... Western world in not any better than the rest... Not worst, but certainly not better. And I'm sad.
Welk, maybe Trump could change this, no ? Way too complicated... Maybe the president should just decide.