Then, the anus and gluteal fold aren’t particularly temperature sensitive. Pressure, yes.
Ok yeah i was bout to say my A&GF were particularly sensitive that time i sat down on the shampoo bottle
Then, the anus and gluteal fold aren’t particularly temperature sensitive. Pressure, yes.
Ok yeah i was bout to say my A&GF were particularly sensitive that time i sat down on the shampoo bottle
This jacked guy i used to spot for had the funniest bit when he was lifting. No heavy grunting, yelling, drama. He'd just whisper, almost a little cry. 'ooh, that is heavy'.
All thru his set haha! He was always friendly, helpful, but no, it didn't seem like he was having funbut he was there every day. Haha i haven't thought of him in a long time
I'm gonna be that other guy
"Viral game mouthwashing" and author didn't say "cleaning up" on steam.... Damnit it was right there maaaaannn...!
Oh dear are you in for a ride haha enjoy it, and do come back when you've finished and tell me what you think of the ending
No! Don't do it! Your body will force you to cut down on that black nectar as you age anyway, so drink while you can! Now me for example? I can only have one cup a day now or payment is due in full immediately so haha do it for me hahahaha
Women actually like vg yo. I would know, i got my wife into them when we met (she hadn't played games since she was a kid) and now, while i still take the crown in side-scrollin platformers and fighters? she whips my ass in shooters and it's not actually close.
If i have a sip left and i can see the bottom of the mug the coffee is not dark enough.
I used to be a gamer. Still am, but i used to too
My dad-in-law is like this, dismisses games as a "time wastin brainrot "then proceeds to sit in the dirty diaper of 'tv news opinions' he just leaves on the tele all day
Zionists are the far-right wing of Israel's political milieu
Rely, Depend, Propose
Haha! It actually taught me those folks in the ER are definitely fulla crap cuz there's no way it's going in there without your explicit consent (and probably some deep breaths)