They are welcome to brenter, but the longer they wait, the harder it gets.
joined 2 years ago
Yes, my fdroid says the last update is from februari 9
It's not working yet, but Firefox with ad block is
I know a guy who started seig heiling all tesla drivers that he saw in the streets. I think there's something poetic about that.
So, the answer is yes?
Are you as cringe about it as my teenage daughter is?
There is "Real Civil Engineer", but he's actually an architect
It is written now. That makes it legal
Shit happens
The current pope isn't dead yet, but that's not a problem for Trump
Roep om landelijk vuurwerkverbod van burgemeester Schouten massaal gesteund: ‘Dit is toch vreselijk’
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Automate that shit, don't tell anyone and get some passive income.