Bold of you to assume that Russia simps care about facts.
A few scratches are nothing. Just let the cat take your hand, and it'll be fine.
Knowing what the Russian government truly are, the best outcome for Ukrainians in that case is a cultural genocide, with Ukrainian being banned and they'll be forced to learn Russian. This is already the case of territories currently or formerly under occupation.
Maybe his ring would get a lot of Ukrainian kids human trafficked to them in case of a Russian victory.
What if I visit the community/magazine without posting? How do they know?
I think a Trump win could mean at least soldiers being sent to Gaza and Ukraine being handed over to Putin in the name of "peace", which would fuel the territorial ambitions of other dictators. A lot of Hungarians are still mad about Treaty of Trianon, see Slovaks as a "fake nation created by the Habsburgs/Jews/communists", and this is only my country. China has it's own territorial ambitions, so are most other regimes.
Ow lad he's coming
Gaming's problem isn't wokeness, but are overbloated budgets and scope.
the best game ever
Citation needed!
He probably wanted that autism superpower...
"Make your own games!"
"No! Not like that!"