I cringe in horror at the idea of children using stainless steal straws. There's so much potential for horrible accidents.
I don't think that's how it works
In that vein:
Romeo and Juliet II: Friar Lawrence Strikes Again
That's a more recent phenomenon. These folk were retiring just as that culture was taking off.
They are already choosing fascism over Christianity. https://digbysblog.net/2023/08/14/gradually-and-then-suddenly/
The only candidate trying to stop him has been Christie. And I'm grateful to him for his effort.
Extraordinary classic fantasy books provided ignition for inspired creativity.
Caveman like enough?
While I think it was too early in the run for a musical episode, they pulled it off pretty well. Generally speaking, series should wait until at least season 5.
I suspect that there will be new characters and small subplots that will arise in future seasons that will never be set to music.
A little bit of Kirk us enough for this show. I'd really hate to see home become a major character. I also wonder why they cast a Jim Carrey doppelganger as James T. Kirk?
You have a point, but it got lost in the assholery of your reply. I too long for a little more of the hard SciFi and morality tales of Star Trek. The writers/producers try too hard to explore characters & relationships rather than the cool things that we can see/learn while exploring the galaxy - - all those strange new worlds.
Yeah, the word "siege" is a little weird to repeat several times. I'd have said "attempted coup" at leat one of the times.