
joined 2 years ago
[–] WillFord27@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

l-.. literally?

[–] WillFord27@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

The far, far worse brother of the Pirates of The Caribbean theme

[–] WillFord27@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

What does the trashcan icon mean?

[–] WillFord27@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Absolutely. Cold culture vs warm culture. It's not just an American thing, but the "only america is this bad!" thought process on here is rampant. It's getting exhausting.

[–] WillFord27@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

For every vanilla Minecraft structure to be entirely replicable with datapacks. Most of the structures in the game would be impossible for me to make because they use hardcoded methods I don't have access to.

That, or to be hired :p

[–] WillFord27@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

An open world, procedurally generated game based on Legos. 1x1 blocks are good, but varying shapes and sizes are better!

[–] WillFord27@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

For sure! A team would be nice. A lot of my best ideas have come from the process of creation, though, so I don't think my projects would benefit. I'm not necessarily talented! I just put in the time (:

I don't have any solid ideas, it's just always bothered me that I can't do more there. I know that there are also API and library mods that would allow me to, but that's an extra complication to work through, instead of focusing effort on ideas within the limitations of datapacks.

Maybe one day I will explore it more! For the time being, working on my own is working out. We will see what the future brings!

[–] WillFord27@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

I specifically make mods that add structures, so it's a lot of building and trying to get the style right. I'm not a very artistic person! A lot of the time I get by on making interesting structures rather than pretty ones, lol.

As for the technical half, a lot of concepts generally need hacky solutions to work, and a lot of redesigns to get them to an acceptable place. I push the limits of what structures datapacks are capable of, and a lot of the time, I hit that blockade! There's been many cool ideas left currently out of the bounds, unfortunately.

Another one I struggle with is game balance. So, so much time is spent in the tweaking phase. Loot is especially difficult! For Pale Formations, a structure mod heavily reliant on its loot tables, I spent over 14 hours just tweaking and testing. Some would say it's a waste of time, but I'm a perfectionist, dammit! :p

[–] WillFord27@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

No problem! Have fun!

[–] WillFord27@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago (4 children)

There's so many, it's hard to list! I think I'll break it into categories...

Overall game changing mechanics: Simple Voice Chat
Reason: This mod shook up how I play Minecraft more than any other. It is a totally different multiplayer experience, and I struggle to play on servers that don't use it!

Visuals: Distant Horizons
Reason: Completely changes the scale of the Minecraft world and makes coordinates a thing of the past. It's humbling to be able to see your entire world at once.

Difficulty: True Darkness
Reason: Not being able to see in complete darkness makes caving and nighttime challenging and terrifying! Combined well with a mod that illuminates the area around you when you're holding a torch.

World Generation: Continents
Reason: This may be an unpopular pick, but it makes each world feel so much more unique. Oceans in vanilla are pockets of water surrounded by land. This is the opposite of that!

Structures: Recurrent Complex
Reason: I think this is what got me into designing structures in the first place. Some of the options it gives developers are still superior to the official tools, a decade later!

As for my own mods, they're all too close to my heart to pick a favorite. Right now, I think the one that I'm the most proud of from a technical standpoint is Revamped Shipwrecks.

I would love to make an End dimension mod! Unfortunately, I'm limited by my coding knowledge and just use the tools. provided to me by Mojang, so I'm unable to create something that would fit my standard. One day though! Fingers crossed (:

Great questions!

[–] WillFord27@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Crossposted from here

I created Wabi-Sabi Structures, Unwrecked Ships, Revamped Shipwrecks, and Pale Formations. I've been developing mods as a hobby since July 2022, and playing Minecraft consistently since 2012. Ask me anything!


Hey folks, I'm a datapack/mod creator and I thought you people would be interested in a project I created, given how techy Lemmy is. I "revamped" the Minecraft Shipwreck structure to have randomized sections.

The issue with the Shipwreck structure is their diversity, or rather, lack thereof. Each of the 8 possible woodtype combinations "only" have 20 different variants. Definitely nothing to sneeze at, but after playing for a few years, they get a little samey. There are 8 right-side up variants, 6 that are upside-down, and 6 on their side (tangent, but did you know vanilla sideways shipwrecks can exclusively be laying on their left side!? Try seeing them the same ever again I dare you). Half of these variants are also just slightly more degraded versions of the other half, which brings us to a total of 10 unique exploration experiences.

Here are the vanilla shipwreck variants: vanilla variants

There are a couple ways of solving this "issue." You could add new shipwreck models, new variations of the existing wreck, or what I opted for: cut them into smaller pieces, shake the box, and glue them back together. Note that I did also make new variations of the vanilla pieces, and maybe one day I'll also make new ship models to apply the same technique to!


When splitting each variant into 3 different sections, the first and obvious place to chop was at the masts on both the middle and back end, however this would place two chests in the back end and none in the midsection, which would limit the amount of chest variability. I decided to put a split at the middle mast, but 2 blocks behind the back mast.

Unavoidably, this location for makes some.. interesting pieces.

tiny segment

This is my first big divergence from vanilla: the chest locations. If we were to make the sections split in the same place in every rotation, we'd still end up with 2 chests in the backend in ships on their sides, because the chest location is different for that rotation. I decided, if the vanilla chest locations weren't possible anyway, might as well use that as an excuse to change that gameplay entirely! In most of these modified wrecks the chest location is the same as possible to vanilla, but that's not the case in not so intact wrecks. This may or may not be a sneaky nerf.

But beyond just chest locations, I also added around double the options for the jigsaws to choose from. Each custom section was designed to have unique entrance holes and/or interesting degradation. In the image below, the pieces with black backgrounds are "vanilla" segments, which are pieces directly chopped off vanilla wrecks.


Obviously, not all pieces can go with well with each other, for example, that segment that's only 4 blocks total. It'd look terrible if it was attached to a barely damaged piece. So the template_pool that each part is selected from had to be split into 5, accounting for each degradation stage. In the above image, the outline visualizes which degradation stage the piece is in. Parts can select from both the degradation stage above them and the degradation stage under them, making for realistic degradation that isn't always consistent throughout the whole wreck. A ship that starts in perfect condition can end up looking pretty tarnished!

degraded ship

All of this together makes for a unique diving experience! All vanilla shipwrecks are still possible to generate, but are far rarer now that there are so many other options to choose from. This, admittedly, is a subtle and easy to miss difference, but sometimes a collection of subtle differences is all you need to feel like you're playing a new game.


These also come in every vanilla shipwreck woodtype combo, and every vanilla shipwreck rotation (now with laying on the right side, revolutionary).

gif 2

I think it's allowed, so here's the Modrinth page.

It's on CurseForge as well, but I had to make two pages for mod & datapack, they're both on the same Modrinth versions list.


Everyone has unique tastes, I'm curious what Lemmings enjoy


Give me your best structure ideas!


A solid 30% of posts in my feed are German memes. I don't understand the language, but I love the memes that I can't read.


I uploaded a test exe in a private Discord server.. and a little while later Discord edited my message and deleted my exe. Understandable why, but still unexpected!


I haven't been able to come by any, has anyone seen one? I'm a huge fan of the show and it's one of the things I miss about Reddit :/

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