Obligatory leopards and faces.
This is how I will forever picture Trump’s briefings.
Learn everything you can, about everything you can,
and check out places you can practice your learning like Hack the Box or one of the other platforms.
And go from there!
It is now. When I got into it, I was doing communications, mainly radio and satellite. I had no idea what I was going to do, and as it turned out, computers and learning really struck a chord with me.
I used military grade cryptography in the Navy, but I learned a lot about cybersecurity on my own. All the “puzzles”, and learning new things everyday like new technology, new vulnerabilities, etc.
Now they have specialists in the military and other government agencies that teach it. Although, given the current political climate, I wouldn’t want to be part of that with that.
As much as people learn it in school and the military now, I feel to be really good at it, you have to know at least a little of everything. I like to look at it like a technical jack of all trades.
You’d be surprised how many people there are from all sorts of backgrounds and interests, that had no idea they would be making a living out of hacking.
I looove these! One of the many things I miss about visiting Japan.
Long time IT/cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity is all about curiosity and learning. I got there via the military.
E: too soon.
Which VPN are you using? In most cases it works for me depending on the country I choose.
At this point it probably doesn’t matter. IMO, there likely won’t be another election for a while.
Beginning prompt: create an image of dangerous looking dinosaurs making friendship braceletsÂ
Nailed it!