Imma be real guys, it can happen. My girlfriend, whos currently sleeping next to me, finally got frustrated enough with me not making a move to knock on my door one night and tell me her feelings. Been almost a year now. So like, it's not impossible.
That's a lot of words to say "I don't understand politics and only care about one single issue"
Ok I stopped being a defeatist, now what?
1942 Nazis were all jacked up on meth as well as being Nazis
Coming from someone who's never been on the 30 under 30
Plus, nearly every MAGAt is armed to the teeth with guns. Starting the violence just gives them the ammo (pun intended) to start the war they want.
Everyone here on both sides knows what's coming. One side is literally foaming at the mouth for it to happen though so they can play put all the fantasies they've dreamt of since they played with finger guns in the back yard.
This is not gunna be fun for the side Lemmy primarily wants to win
This is Wilson.
He used to live in a separate apartment always outside, under LED lights that were forever on, never covered, and in a small cage with only one toy. He would whistle to me when I was on my walk, and was quiet until he saw me. I knew this cause if I took another way I would never hear him. But if I turned the normal corner he would immediately start doing our whistle
So after a while, I eventually left a note on the people's door and asked to buy him. Well, a week later i got a text askign to meet up in an hour. When I get there they open the door, hand me the bird, and go on thier way.
I don't even know the birds name, but he's mine now.
But long story short(ish), Wilson is the best bird and even non bird people love him. I don't know how to explain it, but he is a whole living conscious person. He immediately flew to my shoulder and stays their pretty often now. He has his own backpack with a perch and comes on road trips. My nephew is now obsessed with and constantly get disciplined by other birds.
Most birds may be assholes, but Wilson is definitely the exception.
They reproduce so much because they forget they had already done it and believe they need to do it or else
I mean, for a little the guy on the right would be correct, but the using math you should be able to tell who was actually correct, right?
By that logic so are clothes but let's not send kids out naked
Maybe even better, when they were given a choice between a house or the whole village on fire, some people were like "yeah a flood will stop all this so I'm gunna just bank on one coming" even though there hasn't been any significant rain in a long whole.