I've been curious myself and I'll accept this as the answer. Ty for finally solving this for me.
joined 2 years ago
I didn't realize how many expansions the game has. It can suddenly become quite spendy. I do love that it looks like a sea turtle when you have them all out.
I played 7 wonders duel for the first time and went out and bought my own copy shortly after. What a good game!
I love digital adaptions of crunchier games. I learned to play Spirit Island from the digital version. Also enjoyed the digital versions of Root, Everdell, and Wingspan. I want to get Sagrada soon and try that one.
Finally played everdell for the first time! I bought a physical copy last year! :( Holy hell what a game. I loved it!
We played some Cascadia and Carcassonne. About half of my board gaming is done virtually these days as my core crew has moved too far away.