I always liked the bot swarm.
Go to bed reasonably early. The thing to watch/code/play will be there tomorrow. If you want to go out at night, do it on weekends. As for waking up, I'm used to it now (and my alarm clock app makes me solve a math problem to shut up :)) but long ago when I had trouble waking up, I'd put the alarm clock on a table on the other side of the room so I'd have to get up and walk over to shut it off. By the time that was done, blood is flowing and I'm awake.
A retro gaming podcast is actually probably more my style than the other two podcasts listed. So, have another subscriber...
Thanks for asking something I'd thought of asking but never gotten around to. Also, what's your podcast OP?
All feed readers talk to other machines to get the feeds you're reading. TTRSS is just fetching them and storing them locally regularly instead of just when the client is running. I don't remember whether or not TTRSS has a reader interface or whether you need to use a client to talk to it.
Kiwix isn't a web browser exactly and doesn't download web pages the way your browser saves them. It uses a specialized file format, and it can be used to back up an entire site. For instance the kiwix library has an offline copy of wikipedia (no images), but it weighs in at more than 100GB last I looked.
I've been using linux for a long time and I still mix it up. I just check tldr before typing the command.
Bah, I misread stuff. Long day. I just tested in my terminal and (set-face-foreground 'minibuffer-prompt "cyan")
changed the save-file prompt messages.
With a quick test, this works for me...
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :foreground "yellow")
Yeah, they've been doing this sort of thing for quite a while.