So you can pour Tabasco in your eyes?
You used that word in the original comment, I'm only quoting you, hence the quotes. I don't think there is a perfect OS, but it sure as hell isn't debloated Windows.
You're right, no one cares what other people use, but comparing a debloated Windows install with a proper Linux install is just dumb. A debloated Windows install will never be "perfect" or exist without Microsoft bullshit it literally depends on most of it. And I'm not bashing debloating of Windows here. It's a fair choice if you have to use Windows and want a bit more of a lightweight experience. Personally I use Linux to use more FOSS software, tiling window managers and having in general a better idea of how my system works. And yes you're right that that's not for everyone but all I'm saying is that there should be an option besides amputating a shitty anti-consumer OS. At this point people are comfortable using a borked version of an OS whose main business strategy has become collection of personal data.
live usb not booting is a seperate problem
Read just a bit further and they explain how to install from source, although I don't see why you would go through the hassle