If white people in the US were capable of revolution, they wouldn't have disappointed Lenin.
If you think I'm wrong, actually read the book and note its 477 citations mostly cited from the era that Lenin and Stalin worked. Read Gramsci, whose works attempted to diagnose the failure of communism in fascist Italy. Heck, read my last set of comments on this very topic about the creation of racism in the US as a method of insulating the bourgeoise class (which it still does!).
Have you ever spoken with a black american? Have you had even a taste of the lives they live and the struggle of fighting state-sanctioned violence every single day? Do you know how many white people are apathetic at best and complicit at worst to this issue? Do you think a people who can be so oblivious and complacent to the suffering of those who often live within a few blocks of them have what it takes to form an internationalist and anti-racist coalition?
I don't. I hear the police sirens blare every 30 minutes. I've seen little kids and teenagers get shot, and the police tape, and the crying neighbors. I've worked with immigrants, ex-cons, and just regular ass single women with kids whose lives are in the hands of apathetic teams of white managers and office drones. You don't get to tell people that the things they see with their very own eyes aren't reality. White people in the US don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.
Edit: @OP I'm not mad at you, I hit reply to the wrong post. 🙃
Tbh, the problem is just that white people are little kids who can't handle criticism. Sakai ends his book by saying:
He EXPLICITLY states that his goal is using historical materialism to understand the failure of American communism, but readers don't like what history says about them and close their ears. This is why I personally don't have faith in them. But Sakai's thesis is not mine. He wants people to break the colonial state, and to do that you're going to need white people to become disillusioned and see it for what it is.
If you think that that disillusionment is anti-white, then you're basically admitting that white people and imperialism cannot be separated, and that you have to advocate keeping colonialism alive to avoid hurting their feelings.