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[–] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

Tbh, the problem is just that white people are little kids who can't handle criticism. Sakai ends his book by saying:

The thesis we have advanced about the settleristic and non-proletarian nature of the U.S. oppressor nation is a historic truth, and thereby a key to leading the concrete struggles of today. Self-reliance and building mass institutions and movements of a specific national character, under the leadership of a communist party, are absolute necessities for the oppressed. Without these there can be no national liberation. This thesis is not “anti-white” or “racialist” or “narrow nationalism.” Rather, it is the advocates of oppressor nation hegemony over all struggles of the masses that are promoting the narrowest of nationalisms — that of the U.S. settler nation. When we say that the principal characteristic of imperialism is parasitism, we are also saying that the principal characteristic of settler trade unionism is parasitism, and that the principal characteristic of settler radicalism is parasitism.

Every nation and people has its own contribution to make to the world revolution. This is true for all of us, and obviously for Euro-Amerikans as well. But this is another discussion, one that can only really take place in the context of breaking up the U.S. Empire and ending the U.S. oppressor nation.

He EXPLICITLY states that his goal is using historical materialism to understand the failure of American communism, but readers don't like what history says about them and close their ears. This is why I personally don't have faith in them. But Sakai's thesis is not mine. He wants people to break the colonial state, and to do that you're going to need white people to become disillusioned and see it for what it is.

If you think that that disillusionment is anti-white, then you're basically admitting that white people and imperialism cannot be separated, and that you have to advocate keeping colonialism alive to avoid hurting their feelings.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

If white people in the US were capable of revolution, they wouldn't have disappointed Lenin.

If you think I'm wrong, actually read the book and note its 477 citations mostly cited from the era that Lenin and Stalin worked. Read Gramsci, whose works attempted to diagnose the failure of communism in fascist Italy. Heck, read my last set of comments on this very topic about the creation of racism in the US as a method of insulating the bourgeoise class (which it still does!).

Have you ever spoken with a black american? Have you had even a taste of the lives they live and the struggle of fighting state-sanctioned violence every single day? Do you know how many white people are apathetic at best and complicit at worst to this issue? Do you think a people who can be so oblivious and complacent to the suffering of those who often live within a few blocks of them have what it takes to form an internationalist and anti-racist coalition?

I don't. I hear the police sirens blare every 30 minutes. I've seen little kids and teenagers get shot, and the police tape, and the crying neighbors. I've worked with immigrants, ex-cons, and just regular ass single women with kids whose lives are in the hands of apathetic teams of white managers and office drones. You don't get to tell people that the things they see with their very own eyes aren't reality. White people in the US don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

Edit: @OP I'm not mad at you, I hit reply to the wrong post. 🙃

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

The particular group of internet dweebs being critiqued call themselves patriotic socialists or socialist patriots. That's just kinda how language works. You can't change it any more than you can stop libs from calling MLs tankies.

Plus there's more than one kind of chauvinism.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

I think maybe you should chill and consider why you've made me into a caricature in your head. You're punching at shadows.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

Maupin and Haz are American and everything about them reeks of American exceptionalism. Why would you even be into that? America is a garbage country.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (4 children)

The problem with Haz and Maupin is that they let their love of Great Men™ eschew internationalist, pro-indigenous, racial, and lower-class solidarity. It's really obvious they have an ideological preference for the middle class, which gives them money-backed visibility but very little real proletarian power. All AES states leveraged serfs/lumpenproles as the bulk of their war economies and soldiers. It doesn't matter how good the appeals to authority are if you fundamentally cannot grasp the social and numerical importance of people living on the boundary between base and superstructure.

Also Haz is an insecure little incel.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Exactly, you have to stay grounded in material reality. Capitalism has had 300 years to get its shit together. Why do our everyday lives suck? Show them drone flyover videos or walkthroughs of Chengdu. Tell them that Vietnam legalized social transition for transpeople and has a land grant program for indigenous people. A better world is already becoming possible right now without reaching for utopianism.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Is this an argument for neolib governments? Lmao. As long as no hammer and sickle it's fine.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (4 children)

I genuinely had no idea Chomsky was an anarchist. I thought he was one of those postmodern post-marxists who write takedowns of Stalin in university libraries.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago

Not an anarchist, but I can respect the minority of them who touch grass and fight cops. They write really good organizing manuals and zines.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Lol, why is this getting downvoted? This comment basically said what mine said.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

An axiom, sometimes called postulate, is a mathematical statement that is regarded as “self-evident” and accepted without proof. It should be so simple that it is obviously and unquestionably true. Axioms form the foundation of mathematics and can be used to prove other, more complex results.

What's funny is that the full quote actually negates the screenshot by stating that 'self-evident' common knowledge, institutionalized old theories, or theological dogma about human behavior should be challenged by science and scientific socialism. Queer theory technically falls under a socialist science umbrella, challeging conservative intuition.

There is a well-known saying that if geometrical axioms affected human interests attempts would certainly be made to refute them. Theories of natural history which conflicted with the old prejudices of theology provoked, and still provoke, the most rabid opposition. No wonder, therefore, that the Marxian doctrine, which directly serves to enlighten and organise the advanced class in modern society, indicates the tasks facing this class and demonstrates the inevitable replacement (by virtue of economic development) of the present system by a new order—no wonder that this doctrine has had to fight for every step forward in the course of its life.

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