Thanks for replying, I'm spoiled with constant internet access and didn't think about being offline.
joined 2 years ago
Why would you browse local html files on a phone?? That being said why would they remove such a basic feature??
Oh yea xfire was the software to have. I streamed myself doing full playthrough of bioshock and remember even getting quite a few viewers. Good times.
Interesting. Is this talk available somewhere?
KDE all the way, it even got the higly coveted SO-approval factor. My SO can actually use their linux computer with KDE.
Very well, either way more choice is more better.
Do you mean your consumer preference as it is currently dictated by companies?
We all promptly ignore it until one time it's real!
Nice, the world will try to conform you but never give in! You choose what you want to do.
Harmi kyllä kun pilaavat lähiavaruuttakin romuillansa.
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