I really don't believe in the temporarily embarrassed millionaire. I just think people are that stupid. They hear tax increase and never look further.
That would be great. A new Gauntlet Legends game would be great.
I'm pretty sure that's just social anxiety and not being an introvert.
Check out Larian's other masterpiece, Divinity: Original Sin II. Original Sin I is great as well, but a little dated.
You can run through the campaign in a few hours, so there's very little time investment. Give it a shot!
I recently had new rain gutters installed on my house, had my trees trimmed, had my patio paved, and bought a power bank. I'm fucking adulting damnit.
But why? Poor hygiene, people being immature, why?
I have been told by my dentist that it can permanently damage your tooth enamel. I did a quick search and found an NIH study on enamel softening. It looks at hardness, but that is all. I only read the object and the abstract, but that part didn't mention enamel thickness. The study mentions that hardness is restored after about a week.
I would generally advise caution and just take your dentists advice about these things. I will admit I am generally biased about this and it definitely can be harmful if not done correctly.
I think comparing whitening to bathing and using deodorant is calling it normal hygiene. Not bathing literally leads to worse health outcomes.
That being said, you're correct, I definitely have a strong bias towards this. I have been told by my dentist to not do it because it is damaging to the enamel. Consulting your dentist is definitely a good move.
A lot of people do it, but I would lump it in with getting a facelift. You definitely don't need to do it and it doesn't make you healthier.
Oh yeah, I was in that hell pit growing up and trying to get through college. The hell pit is awful. There is an even worse hell pit for disability benefits.