Not any more or less of a safety issue than every other compact light that gets that bright. That might light coming out of a small thing with a flammable object right in front of it will result in some smoke or fire.
I suggest you contact Wuben. See what troubleshooting steps they recommend.
It's been 48hrs. Is r/flashlight coming back or has the mod team decided to make the blackout indefinite?
How about [WTB] posts being allowed here instead of being related to a specific thread?
How is Imgur compromised?
Have you found a throwy TIR that fits and produced a nice beam with domeless LED's? If so, I might want to have you upgrade my FW1X to have aux and a TIR.
Whoa what's the pink LED?
What's the bottom one? It looks a bit like a Zebralight but I haven't been into lights long enough to know for sure.
I don't have any steel wool on hand to test with. I do know that the full battery voltage can be measured through the charging contacts.
If shorting the contacts can cause a fire then it's definitely a safety concern. I don't know if it will or not.
Glad you like the review! It's definitely a suitable upgrade over an H04.
This just wouldn't be r/flashlight without you and your M150's.
80 is plenty here. I'll take the higher efficiency so the battery lasts longer. If they were plugged in then maybe I'd want higher.
I can't see or hear any PWM so that's satisfactory. I haven't checked with my phone camera though.