That is just what those in charge would consider a necessary but unfortunate side affect of the path to self enrichment. They will eventually establish the important equilibrium necessary to maintain a stranglehold on power, something that the greed in the west is loosing sight of.
There is a lot to be said for the positives of an end to democracy. The electorate of Ontario shouldn't be trusted with these important decisions. This has been true since I started paying attention in the 90's (so not party relevent). I regret not taking a different path in life to kick ass and chew bubble gum.
Like any word, use it too often for political efficacy and you will inevitably get arguments. It's all too stupid. It takes the act of killing one person for any reason and conflates it into a competition as to who has suffered the most. Words are unimportant. Actions speak.
Something to do with generating an interference pattern of the wavefronts but nothing that explains it where I'd understand.
Thanks for the info. Really disappointing, but not surprising, that Canada would spend the time and effort to establish the declaration but not promote it through their travel advisory information. The tightrope that is foreign relations is a real problem.
Edit: The link you provided didn't work for me.
When you wake up in the morning and no ones there, do you rejoice or do you despair. When you bump your head on the end of your bed, does anybody care. Will you end your life with no friend or wife, who will be witness to bare. In that case for you, the solitude true, and the judgement would be that its fair.