Okay, this was funny
That holds if you read stuff that is mostly well known. I read in swedish a lot, and a fair amount of obscure philosophy and science stuff, and it is not always available there :/
SeNSe oF ComMUnITy
Wait, i thought all of it was entertainment :O
God this is disturbing
Can i still read my kindle bought stuff on it?
Mea culpa maxima
Is this the “dress japanese girls up sexily” game where you can also fight on the side?
Or hope
I browse through it now and again, and i follow "gaming news" occasionally. I'm one of those who have a larger back catalog of "well, i wanna play these one day" games than i will probably get through in my life. :/ But yeah, not strictly related to the point of hacking the algorithm, but i still felt like sharing my experience in the context
I have been playing Victoria 3 for almost 300 hours in the past year. Now, i try this and that to help the experience stay fresh and not get bored of it too fast, but that is 300 hours of playtime that no other good game on steam can get. Meaning, it does not matter how good of a game your release today, this weekend, it's going to be Great Qing time and I'm gonna be puzzling over if i should build more administration or not.
As sad as it is, player time is as limited as player budget, and there is a wall sadly where the market just can't absorb more good games.
I have dreadlocks. If there are hairs in my food, i will know :D