my man has no idea on the motivation behind federation
If yOu hAd a tImE MaChInE WhAt wOuLd yOu dO?
I'D ToTaLlY KiLl hItLeR BrAh
we're finding out that no one would do shit.
bruh that shit's already gone. they're actually doing the salutes (the point of this thread)
it seems to be a parody of documentaries on ways humans lure animals to places
Wasted time playing fruit basket FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
because you're too UwU for your own good, pronouncing it Motherfuwuckers
“Sacco e Vanzetti”.
the synopses of their story doesn't indicate any race issues, can you elaborate further please?
This happens so much in Rio de la Plata "Somos blancos y europeos , somos italianos" which basically means "We're white and european, we're italian" ... but the thing they're actually saying is "I'm not native or black, fuck those people, I'm better than them".
When my in laws visited texas to see my brother in law though... in some rural parts, the advice was not to speak spanish.
Oye. Señora. Tuviste advertencias.
Pero Trump va a personalmente salvar todo los bebitos! Y dar todos Biblias gratis!
Es una boluda de mierda.
milei is not a libertarian, he's a generic hard right conservative.