Every Frame a Painting came back to life one year ago! He uploaded some new videos :)
Every day that passes I think more and more that I should have a local backup copy of my whole GOG games collection.
Case in point: Windows 11 "Light" (LTSC) from Microsoft has the classic and advertisement-free version of Notepad.
Yeah, I don't think neither Firefox nor Chrome do that on Linux
Edge runs in the background so it opens faster when you click a link somewhere. Chrome and more recently Firefox do the same.
Imagine: pirating ebooks but donating money to the author at the same time. Win win.
Can you actually download a torrent without seeding it?
He didn't even kill. He's innocent.
Yes, but in my case I pay Prime for the shipping and the shows. Not for the games, I don't even care about them, I just have a hoarder impulse.
The reason Valve is so great is because it's a private company. I hope they'll never sell out.
Me too. I'm not even a gamer, the only game I've played is Civilization. And maybe one day I'll sell my account for sweet sweet money.
Yes, I also love it! But sometimes he's a bit repetitive. I usually watch his videos at 1.2x speed