The full comic adds a bit, but it's still funny. The Oatmeal has a bunch of good ones!
joined 2 years ago
I have no scientific or educated reason for this, but somehow this seems like a bad idea. Really I think concentrating the heat when so much of the PC is dedicated to cooling the rig down is bothering me...neat idea though.
The Bobiverse books, if you enjoy Sci-fi at all this series is a great read!
Talisman (1.39) is a digital board game I play over and over again. The cross platform multiplayer on it is worth the cost alone!
This, I'm always confused by people who only sleep one way all the time.
Pokemon games. I played all the games up to the Gameboy Advanced, missed the DS and have purchased all of the switch games. My wife and I actually buy both versions of each game so we can trade and battle.