joined 2 years ago
[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

You shouldn't use modulo to get a random number in a specific range (solution already in another comment). Reason is that numbers below 64 will be twice as likely as number 64-101 (in your example) due to how binary numbers and modulo works.

This is obviously no real issue for this game, just keep in mind that you shouldn't implement something like that (random ranges) yourself, this is especially true for crypto related things.

[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 1 points 4 months ago

Das war möglicherweise etwas unpräzise ausgedrückt von mir, aber genau was ich sagen wollte.

Unter dem Ausdruck Arbeitskleidung kann man viel verstehen, was nicht alles abdeckt sein muss. Solange das nicht bereits der Betriebsrat geklärt hat, müsste man das im Zweifel auch erst vor Gericht klären. Wenn also den Status quo bisher noch keiner angefochten hat - alle Kollegen ziehen sich in der Freizeit um - dann ist das im Zweifel nicht das stärkste Argument im Disput mit der Leitung.

Sicher sind absolute Aussagen auf Basis schwammiger Informationen deutlich hilfreicher, als ein kleiner Hinweis das es sich möglicherweise um eine Grauzone handeln könnte.

[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Ich kenn zwar deine genauen Umstände nicht, so weit ich weiß gilt der Regel mit der Umziehzeit nur für spezielle Arbeitskleidung, also sowas wie Sicherheitsshuhe oder Helm, was man außerhalb der Arbeit nicht tragen darf / möchte. Also je nach dem was für Arbeitskleidung du hast und was euer Betriebsrat dazu sagt gilt die Regel eventuell erstmal nicht oder nur für einen Teil der Kleidung. Ansprechen schadet sicher nicht, es ist nur nicht so offensichtlich wie das nutzen der Pause zum Schlafen.

[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 3 points 7 months ago

Ouch, hope you can get that sorted out. A broken disk my also "deadlock" the system when binaries it tries to start are on that disk and no longer in cache, e.g. sshd or your shell.

In my experience when only ping sporadically works it's an OOM issue, if the ssh login fails weirdly it can also be an I/O issue. If your network is working as expected obviously.

[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 5 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Look into earlyoom or systemd-oomd, the kernel out-of-memory killer will only start killing processes way after it should be. It will happily deadlock itself in a memory swap loop before considering killing any process.

There are a lot of other ways to fine tune the kernel to prevent this, but it's a good starting point to prevent your system from freezing. Just keep in mind it will kill processes when memory is running out until enough memory is available.

[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 1 points 9 months ago

You can use a git client to connect to SVN repo, which is really neat if you have to deal with a SVN repo. Therefore I would assume git has no issues with migrating the history from SVN.

[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 6 points 9 months ago

Es scheint sich nur um die Auslandsverbindungen während der EM zu handeln:

Diese ist jedoch auf die Sommermonate Juni, Juli und August beschränkt. Betroffen sind fast alle internationale Fernverbindungen mit dem ICE, IC oder EC.

[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 7 points 10 months ago

As some who has played maybe 30-50% of DOS1+2 and currently the first of three acts in BG3: If you have issues with the gameplay mechanics in DOS1/2 you'll likely have them in BG3 too. Main difference is a vastly improved storyline, which kinda makes up for most of them.

Issues I still have with BG3 boils down to only the active character can use its abilities in conversations and sometimes (mechanically) unexpected stuff happens that can only be undone by saves.

If your issue with DOS was a boring story and lack of hidden/funny things to uncover you should give BG3 a try, if you disliked the overall experience you likely won't enjoy BG3.

[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 1 points 1 year ago

I got myself a vertical mouse and no longer grind down my wrist on the table. Definitely worth every penny.

I used to have the Microsoft Explorer mouse which is a bit larger, I used it for over 5 years per mouse. The old version is no longer available and the new one looked terrible, that got me into looking for alternatives in the first place.

But if you're okay with the default mouse sizes and don't have other issues they are fine too.

[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 4 points 1 year ago

If you are looking for something specific or a category of crate you may want to checkout lib.rs, a great alternative frontend for crates.

[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 4 points 1 year ago

Überall diese merkwürdigen Zettel in meiner Handschrift. Es muss wohl auch ein größeres Loch sein, die haben die ganze Straße aufgerissen.

[–] SWW13@lemmy.brief.guru 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Good point, this could just misrepresentat the situation. I also haven't looked over the mailing list thread and comments here are very salty.

But giving him the benefit of doubt of a nice potential contributer who just debugged a very hard issue and sending in a basic concept of a potential fix. I think it would be beneficial for their community to take the wish for more credit more serious and try to make him feel welcome. But I recognize it was probably hard to do in this case.

Overall I just wanted to recognize that I do see how he feels robbed of his contribution. It reminded me that I also had an experience with the kernel developers that made me not want to contribute again.

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