This war again? You'd think they'd learned their lesson, but they keep burning the books that could teach them.
Unpopular Opinion:
I think Tucker Carlson is a piece-of shit and a coward. That said, there is no contadiction in someone hating the bravest person they know.
We have to hold people accountable for their governments in spite of the empathy we feel about their struggle.
King Biden can now use his powers to silence Trump, one way or another.
The best way you can help fight climate change is to not have children.
Any alien species that is aware of our satellites is so technically superior to us they wouldn't bother. The James Webb Telecope is our best, but we still aren't certain we've named all the planets in our own solar system.
I'm continually impressed at how good Joe Biden is at running this vast, secret, deep state network of people rigging everything... while being so bad at anything else.
I enjoy having my mind changed by well-written, well-reasoned posts from people who are informed. Thank you.
I didn't say you said I was American. I just said that if we can dismiss a point by claiming a worse example we might as well all stop posting.
I didn't mention the USA. I'm not American. If any idea can be dismissed by suggesting a worse example then we might as well all stop posting.
Out of curiosity: Which operating system(s) can you shutdown while the kernel is being overwritten? I wouldn't imagine that as a limitation of Arch Linux specifically.