Ah yes, American Freedom, amiright? Freedom that exists as long as they don't have to excercise it. Or excercise anything, really.
Do American schools still have History classes? Or is it all just Pledges of Allegiance to their Dear Leader now? If they did then you would know of "The Boston Tea Party". It was what your ancestors did when the government of their time kept taxing them without giving them a fair, democratic vote. See also: "Electoral College".
I have an idea, why not stop arguing with an internet stranger and go get involved in your political process? Think of it like "compound interest" - the sooner you get involved the bigger your impact! Alternatively, keep telling me how you are impotent to do anything while celebrating your July 4th freedom celebrations unironically.
I'm confused. Are we still talking about the USA threatening Canada, Panama, and Greenland? And your response is "other countries might do that someday"?