
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

they can't just close down a server used by lots of people

[–] 3 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

using a quick response (QR) code.

sorry, what??

[–] 1 points 23 hours ago

if you install qpwgraph, what connections do you see? a screenshot may be helpful

yeah but it was Paris themed

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

on windows all terminals are cursed

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

Run r2modman as Administrator Right-click on r2modman and select "Run as Administrator" to ensure it has the necessary permissions to make requests.


sorry but I'm not sure you k ow what you're talking about. Internet access does not need admin rights

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

though it can't read the chat itself.

it can. I'm not saying it does, but it absolutely can

[–] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

“Today the Sheriff acknowledged that dystopian program violated the Constitution and agreed never to bring it back.”

never - for now

[–] 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

the address there can be faked, maybe your email client did not warn about it. if you can check the mail's headers (maybe easier on desktop), look at all the addtesses you see in there and if thry seem suspicious.

also check the link they sent. Don't open it, but copy it only.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

this is a joke, right?

a default keyboard combination does not have such a meaning. they don't want to "dress as proprietary software". probably the creators were used to using that other combination, or they decided that it could be worth to keep the keyboard mapping similar to a very popular graphics editing software, irregardless of whether it is proprietary or open source.

don't worry! the freedom is yours to rebind that button to whatever you want.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I think their point is that E2EE's protection starts at one end, and ends at the other, and the ends themselves are not particularly trustable

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Could the suspension API be maliciously used to lock down users' accounts further?

further? did I miss something?


I cannot access the I2P site on the http://rwzulgcql2y3n6os2jhmhg6un2m33rylazfnzhf56likav47aylq.b32.i2p/ address, either in the web browser but also for news and price synchronization in the wallet. Is this on my side or a serverside issue? In the browser, the I2P router always just responds "Website Unreachable", because its lease set was not found.

For those wondering where did I get the URL, it can be found at the bottom of


Recently there was a post where the OP pitched an idea for a service related to this community. I don't want to go into details but the post's text has shown that maybe there's some misunderstanding around the technology, and a considerable amount of us also thought that it's not a good idea.
The post was removed (noticed because I couldn't reply to someone) probably because the OP felt shame for their "failed" idea, but I think we shouldn't delete posts for reasons like this.

The post created an interesting discussion around the idea with useful info. It's useful to have things like these for future reference, for similar discussions in the future.
This is an anonymous forum, so there's no shame in recommending things, when you do that politely like it was done in that case.


Introduction of the first Managing Director


I have just installed the tmuxinator 3.0.5 ruby gem with gem 3.2.5 and the --user-install parameter, and to my surprise the gem was installed to ~/.gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin/.

Is this a misconfiguration? Will it bite me in the future? I had a quick look at the environment and haven't found a variable that could have done this. Or did I just misunderstand something? I assume that the version of gem goes in tandem with the version of ruby, at least regarding the major version number, but I might be wrong, as I'm not familiar with it.

I have checked the version of gem by running gem --version. This is on a Debian Bullseye based distribution.


The video is a short documentary on Trusted Computing and what it means to us, the users.

If you like it and you are worried, please show it to others.
If you are not the kind to post on forums, adding it to your Bio on Lemmy and other sites, in your messaging app, or in your email/forum signature may also be a way to raise awareness.

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