But following that logic trans women would get the exact same benefits from working out as cis women, due to them having the same or even lower T levels? I'm trying to understand your logic here
Just gonna point out historically most male/female segregation in sports is actually due to sexism, and a lack of women's rights, not due to an "animal issue".
Link to the original artists tumblr post https://k3rryberry.tumblr.com/post/187834090998/were-the-same
Edit: I dunno if the link worked right but they are kerryberry on tumblr
I was able to see the post following that first link you posted, it was the first post that popped up though yeah the user did delete their account, it was originally posted 6 months ago
After googling I am fairly confident that it is in fact a word!
Scooby Doo Night of 100 Frights on the ps2, other than that maybe Freddie Fish or one of the other humongous games on mac
Nice warm homemade food with friends while watching something you all can laugh at, it's one of the best feelings
So... Yeah that's shallow, since you won't date someone long term due to you not liking how they text, that's kinda a shallow thing to judge someone on
Well, I ain't no animal scientist but most fur patterns that I'm aware of exist to either make the animal blend in (by being the same color as stuff around them) or to break up their form so it's harder to recognize from a distance, and I can see how being literally cut in half color wise could help break up their shape
Again that's just a guess on my part tho
Well, I have seen this before on Reddit some time ago but it was on a transformation porn subreddit so if it was originally made for something like that it makes more sense
Those damn yeerks
Yeah I get what you said, I don't understand your point though, the main advantage men have in terms of muscle mass comes from their T levels, trans women have the same if not lower T levels than cis women, so why would they have more muscle mass? Again the one study we do have shows that they have LESS
YeSS it would be nice if we had more studies in regards to this stuff I don't disagree, there is a shocking lack of actual evidence and scientific study when it comes to hormone therapy and everything, but the couple pieces of evidence we DO have show that there isn't a difference. Trans women have been allowed to compete in women's Olympics since the 2000's why haven't they dominated the category? Cause it doesn't make a difference, or at least the differences are so minimal that in practice they might as well not exist