Any channels in particular?
joined 2 weeks ago
Ohh I see, sorry I misunderstood. Thank you for clarifying.
Had a look at Bundle. I am impressed that it can collect multiple articles from various sites. Also, the ad placement is so mindful. Thank you for sharing it.
This is amazing! Thank you!
Are you telling me that Firefox has the exact same feature or to switch to Firefox?
Yeah that's fair. However, I will still look into both of those messaging apps. Peaked my curiosity.
Completely valid response.
Thank you for bring this to my attention.
Sir, your work has continually been popping up on my feed and I so genuinely impressed by your talent! Thank you for sharing them. I look forward to seeing what you do next.
Huh, go figure. The spoiler covers I assume you mean the blackouts like they do for game content on steam? And you can allocate what you don't want to see?