And Hell Followed With - Oren: The Ogre (single)
joined 2 years ago
The Breathing Process - Todeskrone (EP)
Nylist - The Room (album)
The Voynich Code - Insomnia (album)
but I don't have any mod experience
Mod 101 - if you see something nasty or spam shaped use the mod greathammer. Politely.
Just got around to giving this album a listen and bloody hell this is good!
Aye, I sometimes switch to radio. I end up on Radio Bob's metalcore and metal streams often enough. Then there's also Pinguin Aardschok, Northern Metal and The Foundry I often go back to.
We need a more general "Metal" place..
There's the metal community... Might get more interaction there
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Larcenia Roe - Dereliction (ep)
Vulvodynia - Adamaster (single)
The Archaic Epidemic - Death Crawl (single)