
joined 4 years ago
[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 1 points 5 hours ago

Yhteisön perustaja menee yhteisön näkymään, minkä kautta voi poistaa yhteisön, tässä esimerkki.

Kun yhteisön poistaa, sen voi oletusarvoisesti palauttaa, mutta jos ei halua ja on aivan varma, voi valita järeämmän vaihtoehdon "Tyhjennä yhteisö", joka poistaa sen tietokannasta.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 2 points 8 hours ago

Jos postaa Mastodonin kautta niin totta kai yhteisön nimi pitää olla tägättynä mukaan, kun hoitaa Lemmyn kautta niin ei ole tarpeellista. Tässä esimerkki toisaalta, jolla demonstroin Mastodonin kautta postaamista: https://mstdn.io/@Rynach/113868648583622542

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 18 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Didn't know this is his first PC build, I assumed he had built one before.


This has been evident for anyone following the gaming industry, but now Phil Spencer basically admits it. Good for them, actually.


It was a Loss for him...

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 22 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

Actually Sopuli was founded in February 2021. Few months after Lemmy's federation got out of beta phase.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 16 points 3 days ago

Excatly. Sopuli has become the instance for all things Finland, so that community would be more than welcome!

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

Helppo vastaus: totta kai! Yhteisö pitäisi pystyä siirtämään instanssilta toiselle, en nyt tältä seisomalta muista miten se tapahtui. Tervetuloa!

EDIT: Perehdyin asiaan niin sinun (tai jonkun muun) pitää luoda tili tänne ja perustaa yhteisö. Voit poistaa alkuperäisen yhteisön tai laittaa sinne kiinnitetyn viestin, jossa lukee missä uusi yhteisö on ja sitten lukita sen. Tänne luotu uusi käyttäjä voi siirtää yhteisön omistajuuden sinulle, jolloin voit hallita yhteisöäsi nykyisellä tililläsi, jos haluat.


Feels great to have a game that represents Finnish urban culture from the 90s with promises to combine that vibe with Kaurismäki and Tarantino. However the character models could be more livelier. And that music sounds so AI-generated, hopefully the final game doesn't use it.


So much hype about the AI Pin and how it was going to revolutionize how we use computers. Several bad reviews and they hype dried up like the Aral Sea – and poof, now it's gone.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 26 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

Execpt herd immunity doesn't apply to viruses that mutate heavily and where the immunity isn't durable. Dr. Anthony Fauci previously believed that herd immunity could be achieved with COVID, but he has since changed his mind:

So, with regard to that issue and something you mentioned earlier, how should we define herd immunity with respect to COVID, I mean, how do we think of it?

I wrote a paper on that. It was a simple paper [9]. It stated that we cannot apply the standard criteria of herd immunity. It's not applicable with SARS-CoV-2. And the reason is, it's simple. I can synopsize the paper in 30 seconds. One is that herd immunity is dependent on an immune response that is durable, measured in decades to a lifetime, and a pathogen that does not change. So, you have clear-cut herd immunity with measles. Why? The measles that I got infected with as a child, because I was born before the measles vaccine, is the same measles that's killing kids in the developing world today.

Number 2, if you get infected with measles or you get vaccinated with measles, the duration of protection minimally is decades and maximally is lifetime. Those are the criteria that you need for herd immunity. Because if you have a pathogen that keeps changing like the multiple variants of SARS, and if you have a duration of immunity that's measured in months, the entire concept of herd immunity is no longer valid. That's the point.


[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 43 points 5 days ago (6 children)

Considering how repeat COVID infections can cause cumulative damage, which includes immune system problems, one could expect flu waves to become deadlier. All those laptop class academics who preached about "herd immunity" via infection must be feeling great right now.


Sisäministeriö ei julkaissut raporttia lainkaan. Osastopäällikkö Jukka Aallon mukaan se arvostelee liikaa perussuomalaista puoluetta, eikä ministeriön tehtävänä ole puolueiden arvostelu. Sisäministerinä toimi tuolloin Lulu Ranne (ps.).


Made by Zez Vaz, a Portuguese political cartoonist. https://zezvaz.com/

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 43 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The impostor account has been banned from our instance.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 6 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Other issue is the word r-tard being censored to blank space. I don’t like it either, having a severely handicapped family member, but I can’t downvote the (mis)user if I can’t see them using the word. Not sure if that one is on our end…

Some other instance may have such word filter in place, we don't.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 27 points 1 week ago

Apparently they screwed things up, they try to get their domain back.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Tavallaan ymmärrän tuollaisten järjestettyjen tappelujen merkityksen, kun arkielämä on niin tylsää ja kaivataan adrenaliinipiikkiä ja jännitystä. Kun kyse on huliganismista, niin varmasti se vetää puoleensa ihmisiä joilla on rikostaustaa ja sitten vaikuttaa rikoksen tielle menemiseen, ja Jalmarihan on istunut vankilassa. Jalkapallohuliganismia en muuten ymmärrä: miten jonkun joukkueen kannattamisesta tehdään niin iso osa identiteettiä, että ollaan valmiita tappelemaan sen puolesta?

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