Neither really. Telegram is closed source on the servers and is known to cooperate with governments and law enforcement. Signal is the better option but I refuse to use an app that requires my phone number when alternatives like Matrix; XMPP; and Session exist. My phone number is tied to my name; address; and payment methods. It's not a small ask of Signal in my opinion.
Biometrics is a terrible idea all around.
People who decide what software to use based on what others will label them as are cowards.
I think VPN's are not a magic bullet but they serve a purpose.
I use ProtonVPN and am happy but not sure if they allow port forwarding.
I already use Trisquel; libre kernel; Abrowser; DivestOS; SearXNG; Nextcloud; Matrix; XMPP; Session; Odysee and Peertube; KeePassXC; Tutanota and Protonmail; ProtonVPN. Not sure How much further I can go without going with a Talos II.
On my desktop/laptop I use Abrowser. On mobile I use Mull. You could say I have been doing my part for years but thanks for joining me.
Signal requires a phone number which is a non starter for me. I refuse to bend to that. I'll stick with Session; XMPP; Matrix; etc.
My question regarding stuff like this is how do they know ? iOS is totally closed source. Even if Androidf isn't perfect it has some open parts to it. Also you can use a DeGoogled OS which you have zero options for something similar on iOS. No closed source OS should be considered private or secure in my books.
I use uBlock Origin; Jshelter; and Privacy Badger. I don't even see ads.