
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

That's ice damming. Basically it can be prevented with proper ventilation of roof cladding/shingle nail board. Normally eaves, baffles, and turtle/ridge vents will be enough to prevent icicles more than. 6 in long.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

I want a tale of deliverance from pharaoh across the red Sea that feels like playing skyrim (crazy magic going on! And civil war progression)

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Ground up plastic FTW: miralax

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Once I got a quote from one of the doorstep fliers. The guy defrauded me between 54% and 30% of the original contract price because he waited until he got half up front before saying he would do a job with crappy materials that would only last a year or so unless i paid 54% more. I should have cancelled the check and said get off my property.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

its common practice for insurance to have a "total coverage" contract with a provider, so they say 876 is coming out of next month's insurance check to you, and the difference is between you and these clients... or you can eat it.

No cash ever flows back to the insurance company from a provider.


So once long ago, there was a legendary thankgiving stomach bug that invoked the powerful "double dragon" where both ends of the digestive system would violently expel all ammo at the same time for 3 days. I inquired of a grandfather, and this is his remedy.

  1. take a half cup of plain yogurt with active cultures (no sugar added if possible)
  2. obtain 5-7 fresh garlic cloves and mince then crush.
  3. mix the two together and let sit at room temperature for a half hour
  4. eat the entire mixture.

Note that during this event, I had early symptoms that invoked the first stage of the double dragon. I then judiciously obtained the material components for this remedy. I followed the steps and during step 4, I actually felt more and more unwell with each bite. I also may have started sweating. After about 1 hour, I then had a marked improvement i.e. nausea of a 7/10 decreased to a 2/10, and I had a spike of renewed energy. This benefit lasted ~8hrs. I had no double dragon symptoms during the period that others in my close family were at their worst. I typically have an "average" stomach compared to my family members, so this gave strong evidence that this remedy was effective.

My grandfather claimed to use it while flying overseas and doing business and eating weird stuff and getting food poisoning but still needing to get work done.


Per wikipedia, over the counter (OTC) nasal decongestants are great unless the only one available in my area is a placebo like phenylephrine.

I recently have had a cold that included some coughs and congestion. I found the following home remedy would immediately clear my congestion with few to no side effects:

  1. Obtain OTC Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2).
  2. dilute in a small container (approx 15ml water and 15 ml H2O2)
  3. gargle like mouth wash and breath through your nose if possible (note that this will likely cause a sneeze or coughing fit)
  4. spit out all gargle, sneeze, and/or cough sputum and blow your nose.

Based on this process, I have found that the normally sticky "infected" yellow sputum has foamy edges and does not stick to my body. In addition, a violent cough with this H2O2 mouth wash recently coating my mouth will cause some reflux of air to my ears, nose, and stomach (as such I have to burp and let my ears drain). When there is a slight amount of H2O2 in the back of my throat, the ears seem to drain faster and easier, and the nose is easier to clear with regular blowing into a tissue.

Based on my personal experience, this is very effective at "accelerating symptoms" so that they are a non issue while I am trying to do something else e.g. sleep or be a functional adult at work.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Lead culinary water pipes (or lead soldier) is a problem, but lead shower pans (that affect the sewer water) are the preference in many USA cities.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Well, I didn't post my sources and you didn't post sources. I think I am right but I don't want to spend the time looking it up when I am straight up told that I'm lying. I'll address your four points off the top of my head though.

  1. life expectancy has changed drastically for different populations and subcultures in the usa. Tweakers have a much lower life expectancy. White collar work has a much higher life expectancy. Blue collar... I bet you are right that it is about the same. I read that the current average is 74 (so 10 years longer than when retirement became codified into law) However shortly after the industrial revolution was the information revolution, so most of the gdp of the usa and other western countries is produced by these long lived white collar workers.
  2. yup I agree. Blue collar life expectancy is about the same as when retirement was first codified into law
  3. money turns to worthless over time unless it is invested and earning interest. A government is in the business of "Accountability to taxpayers on a election Cycle period". Therefore, the government is highly incentivised to kill the golden goose and spend the money and claim that they invested it wisely into roads and stuff. If I recall correctly, that is exactly what happened to the social security program, and we are now paying out as fast as it comes in. Regarding "not tied to the Wallstreet casino" as what makes an investment more financially sound, I don't follow the logic. There is some well established ways to make money on wall street:

buy and hold a low cost index of funds that diversified risk away from a single company. Have a mix of equity vs fixed income based on how soon you intend to start needing to rely on fixed income. Put your money in this exact index fund and don't worry about market ups and downs.

If you follow that investing instruction, you beat the social security administration every time in the last 30 years if you paid in the whole time you worked for 45 years.

  1. Taxing the wealthy is hard. There is a general rule of thumb in politics which is "those who have power don't let it go easily", and if those with power caused a politician to be favored, it is generally due to the bet that the politician will pay it back with a favor later. As far as I know, when you tax the wealthy, the wealthy are able to organize some governmental upsets/coops. The American revolution was headed by the "wealthy" of the American colonies. As far as I know, wealth also exits easily if a governmental administration is a hostile/unstable environment. All these things come together to make taxing wealthy people hard. In practice, the wealthy generally have a "high marginal tax rate" (tax rate on paper) but after all the loopholes from politician friends there is a "low effective tax rate" (tax rate actually paid).

Talking about raising the contribution limit is a moot point as government will be "accountable in this election cycle" by spending immediately based on my argument above.


Did I say anything factually False? I hope to see any nuances that I missed.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I said it to mean agricultural work as in farm work.

-Agricultural revolution brown collar

-Industrial revolution blue collar

-Information revolution white collar

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Having retirement shares as the same shares as the company that one is working at seems to be a huge concentration of risk. If you go out of business, then people lose both current active income and future passive income. I hope that your staff diversify away that risk.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (5 children)

The concept of retirement for working class people is new (aristocrats retired all throughout time)

  • invented in Germany by a priest in 1600s but died out
  • independently invented in America when a soldier in the military (late 1700s) had both his arms blown off and a law was passed for him to collect an amount for his (and family's) maintenance from the neighbors.

Before invention of retirement, the working class had the mentality that you work until you are dead with 99% of the working class in brown collar work. During the industrial revolution where most people transitioned from brown collar to blue collar work, retirement became much more common with social mobility.

During the great depression, USA legislators picked a number "65" to be the "age of retirement" with the reasoning that it would get more young people back to work. The average age of mortality at that time was ~67 years old. They did not index that age with the average age of mortality, so as life expectancy increased, there is now a period in people's life to be "retired".

Problems with how this developed:

  • social security in the USA is not able to keep paying out at this rate, the age of retirement should be more closely aligned with an "indexed" age whether that is the current average age of mental incompetence or an actuarially determined "you did your time, so you can now get out and your contributions should fund the government support of you". The political cycle will probably destroy any hard to understand actuarial index, so that leaves us with the first option.
  • retired people are a political force (high voter turnout). It is easy to vote to get a raise and ignore issues that would bring actual long term growth when you have a short term mentality. I think that accepting 100% of the cost of your maintenance from the government may be the price of your vote (you cannot vote if you are retired). I am sure that this is another unpopular opinion.

With that perspective, I don't know if corporations are entitled here, or the people are just doing what their ancestors did for 1,000s of years and are owning it in a positive way.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

I cant wait for all circular saw blades to be diamond.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

don't forget the creativity like "deleted from the census" or "bought the farm" or "bit the dust", etc. There is a poetry to avoiding a filter.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I want to install a local version of this game in the link and preferably open source. I searched "shape game" and couldn't find anything.

Use case: before operating heavy machinery, I want to "pass" this game at 8 seconds

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