Yeah, because you expect a certain answer and I’m not giving you that.
I literally just asked what point you were even trying to get across because you weren't making any sense. It's not that deep.
Pretending that that’s all they’re doing
Again, what is your stance here? That I should be criticizing everybody more? I'm not going far enough?
But that’s not what you wrote.
I'm sorry I didn't fill out the bulletpoint list for you. For the avoidance of doubt:
- Yes, the democratic party are to blame for this
- Yes, Biden is to blame for this
- Yes, the article is bad
It's a statement that criticises the democratic party, and by extension Biden, explicitly tied back to the article via the structure of the headline.
The guy kicking the puppy is in Israel.
It's a metaphor for "doing a bad thing". Funding a regime attempting genocide is a bad thing.
I know you need my analogy to not work—because it makes it painfully obvious how tone-deaf an article about how great Biden is, written when the most relevant thing he's done recently is funding a genocide—but it's very clearly fine.
Why do you need to blame people in the US
If you insist on using your analogy, the US won't stop cheering on the puppy kicker even after everybody's asked them to stop.
The people in the US are currently telling them that enough is enough.
They're telling them that enough is enough while continuing to fund their war and doing absolutely nothing to stop them. Words without actions are cheap. Apparently that's enough for you, though?
you want to make it seem sick to advance your agenda
my horrific agenda of "genocide is bad, actually"
So we're actually at the point where you're throwing out nonsense, but I'm not allowed to tell you that it's nonsense because that's changing the topic? Are you a real person?
You just keep asserting that what I'm saying is inaccurate and not expounding. The best you've managed so far is "it was a bipartisan" effort, which is so irrelevant I just ignored it the first time you said it because I presumed you were confused. Wow, who knew that two political parties could both be to blame here? A real shocker. I'll get the news on the phone.
Is the problem here that you don't understand things like sarcasm or hyperbole? Do I believe that somebody's run the numbers and come up with a precise figure on how valuable a Palestinian life is? Obviously not, no, but that's okay because no normal person is going to intuit that I think that from my original comment. (For the avoidance of doubt, that line about getting the news on the phone in the paragraph above was also meant in jest)
I was genuinely going to make a joke last time about how maybe I shouldn't have said "kicking a puppy", because it might confuse you given that it's Palestinians being kicked here and not a literal canine juvenile. Then you unironically go and get yourself muddled on the verb "cheering". Congratulations.
Similarly, a normal person would understand that writing a puff piece article headline about how great somebody's past actions are while making no mention of the genocide they're currently funding is morally bankrupt at best.
Ultimately all we're left with is that you feel I was just a bit too spicy for your liking when calling out a genocide—a genocide you agree is happening, and that the democratic party is funding. Your sum-total contribution to the conversation thus far has been to play the role of tone police. Thanks for your service, I guess.
So no, I don't need to "watch my rhetoric" when calling out a genocide. Because it's a genocide. Maybe you could try some of that adult restraint you mentioned next time you feel the need to interject with something quite so wholly worthless. Thanks.