I should have said "debt is not always bad."
Having debt is not bad in it self. The UK paid their last WW1 debts back in 2011 or something. I know the UK is in a bad state but it is not because of those war debts.
I dont pay luch attention to these things but even I heard lots of weird anti-woke takes after that lady was kicked off of the Mandalorian.
Heres an idea for russia: stop being cunts. Thanks.
Hyvä kun muistutit. Pitääkin mennä kerään kummitädin raparperit pois.
I think they are just hanging around.
I think your number is missing a zero or two :D
If you count only the material losses, didnt russia lose like a half a billion worth of stuff just in the last week or so? Couple of their best jets that were destroyed alone are like 200million. Then there was those radar and anti air complexes and all the smaller things on top of that.
Hell, the sinking of moskva alone is worth quite a bit, I would think.
And then the mechanic will answer "yes. But its the wheel bearing thats making the noise." Do you then go to the car forums and ask help with chaning the gearbox or do you trust the professional and change the wheel bearing?
Wow, they actually made it, well done russkies! Next, try to get the aircraft carrier work at least a week. That will put the fear into the hearts of every westerner.
If your car is making a rumble noise, you take it to a mechanic who tells you its a failed wheel bearing. Do you then go and change the gearbox because you dont trust professionals?
Well, who owns the ship is the important bit. Where the ship is registered is irrelevant because its done for tax etc purposes. The crews are often subcontractor kind of deals. The ports that the ship left/was going to dont matter either, the ship is just a glorified floating lorry, you wouldnt consider a arson attack against a polish lorry to be a attack against germany just because the lorry was going to frankfurt.
If you ask me personally this was an attack against the west, not any individual countries.