Maybe the Great Tricktator has fired enough of them by now?
Wer aus Geschichte nichts gelernt hat, der muss sie wiederholen.
Und wenn sie doch noch hineinrutscht, dann will er es als seinen Sieg feiern?
Usamericans usually like to look for "the best", whatever that means, and never accept "second". I assume that they need that to feed their pride.
Apple has managed to make them believe that iPhone products were the best smartphones, and all of Apple's marketing is focused on maintaining that belief.
The wrong statement isn't the real problem.
It's the audacity, and how they always let him have his blatant lying ways. He can just shrug away that he was wrong, and no damage sticks on him.
Und dabei haben wir erst ein paar Tage gesehen von Trumpeltier's zweiter Runde. Das wird erst noch so massiv zum Kotzen, wie man es sich noch gar nicht ausdenken mag.
Ich hoffe, dass wirklich viele, viele sein Land verlassen: Leute, Firmen und Bundesstaaten.
Your wife wants more kids? Then she is right and you shouldn't cook your balls.
Wie ist dieses Urteil mit der allgemeinen Schadensminderungspflicht nach §254 BGB in Einklang zu bringen (oder ggf. davon abzugrenzen?)
Not everyone absorbs information the same way.
I know that very well. And still I recommend that, because the act of listening to an audio book is so different from the act of reading a book (and because the former has so many similarities to using other electronic media).
It has many aspects, not just absorbing the information.
IMHO "hearing" a book isn't much different from other forms of electronic media consumption.
So my recommendations is: Read a real book. And then some more.
Military experts from Europe have called him a whimp. Now we all can see it's even worse...
Schön, aber nicht der Punkt.
Ich hinterfrage diese logische Bedingung, denn er hat den anderen (inzwischen rein theoretischen) Fall ja offengelassen.
Oder im Nachhinein betrachtet, meinte ich vielleicht auch, warum er es nicht geschafft hat, den Rücktritt bedingungslos zu formulieren.