The page is cached and your token expires after a bit. If you read a thread and then spend time typing up a post you've likely crossed the threshold. Copying your post and simply refreshing the page is all that's needed - you shouldn't have to sign back in again.
The blackouts that had no impact on revenue and would totally blow over in a few days appear to not have blown over and are impacting revenue enough to warrant forcing them open.
Which is it fuck-u-spez?
I run my own file host: Files get uploaded from clipboard using ShareX. This allows me to have control over my own files, how long they last or if they should last forever, and I'm not dependent on a benevolent developer preventing my links from rotting 8 years from now when they close down their host due to it costing them too much or simply because they got bored of being a sysadmin/dealing with issues (or users) of their site.
I used to donate to and used that as the image host because I was a supporter of the sysadmin - but it eventually grew too large and had to shut down. Then a bunch of clones popped up and I used one of those - can't remember which one but then that one shut down too after only a year. That's when I decided to set up my own host.
I don't allow other users on the site because I don't feel like having to deal with what users upload, DMCA requests, morally gray areas, etc.
domains are sometimes blocked so my backup is
Drew DeVault wrote a blog post back in 2014 that kind of covers it. Imgur seems to have broke the cycle but that doesn't mean they haven't gone to shit. They've just somehow avoided collapsing underneath themselves as they continue the enshittification of Imgur.
I am fundamentally opposed to nearly all forms of advertising at an ideological level and go to great lengths to avoid it in as many of its insidious forms as possible. So that is where Drew and I differ. The only form of advertising I appreciate are extremely dry infomercials (no not the for-TV kind) and authentic word of mouth (not to be confused with "native" advertising or sponsors). Ads are a net negative on humanity and in too many ways to list but because the effects go through a layer of indirection - similar to how secondhand smoke is harmful for non-smokers. People are more OK with ads. It took making the public aware of secondhand smoke and the harm that smoking causes - even for non-smokers - before people took a privileged stance against smoking. That same level of awareness and condemnation will never happen with ads because people are OK with getting things "for free" that they otherwise would have to pay for. So they'll willingly turn a blind eye to the harmful effects of advertisements and "put up with them".
Fuck ads.
I've been playing Runescape since grade school. I'm approaching a bit shy of 25,000 hours played (a little under 3 years). As an AFK'able "second monitor game" a good half of that is just "I'm at my computer anyway" but the other half is actual investment/more active playing.
I don't bother playing a game if I'm not going to invest a significant amount of time into it. I aim for 100% completion or reaching the top 0.1% of players if there is a competitive ranking system. It's extremely rare for me to play a game that I don't dump a minimum of 500 hours into.
My play time is less now than it was when I was a teen but it's still skewed towards the higher end due to me being fortunate enough to work from home with a FIFO queue of work. If my work is done - I can game during work hours if I want to. As long as I keep close tabs on my queue and handle anything as it comes in. This gives me 8~ hours of potential game time that I otherwise wouldn't have. Since I need to be near my computer in case any work comes in - I'm pretty limited with activities I can do. I can lift some weights, browse the internet, cook a quick meal, or play video games. But I can't really leave the house, go swim in the pool, etc.
I actually agree. Nobody explains DNS to people trying to understand how mail works. They don't need to understand MX records, SPF records, DMARC, DKIM, or anything. All they need to know is sign up and how to use the To: field to start sending emails. Hell - you don't even need to and probably don't want to explain the purpose of the CC or BCC fields at this point either.
If a user is trying to actually understand the underlying technology then the email analogy can be a first introduction. But if someone is technical enough to be trying to learn it's better to just teach them about ActivityPub.
You're clearly not here to have a discussion or engaging in good faith. I said exactly what I said.
The existence of State Officials is to impose the will and authority of The State. The State is often very intentionally vague so that they can claim to enforce whatever it is they wish to enforce without appearing to contradict themselves. It is a very deliberate tactic and the CCP is not the first or only government to do so. Most government laws are written in this manner to be intentionally broad or vague so that it can be enforced how The State wishes it to be enforced because The State exists only to increase and broaden The State's power. If the public interprets it differently and shows support for it - even better! This is how countries get things like the Patriot Act passed with widespread public approval until the public becomes aware of how The State interprets the law. The State's primary job is to ensure that the public does not become aware and to deflect and lie as much as possible to defend The State's position and The State's authority of power.
Stalinist apologist
not a Tankie
Right. Giving off real "I don't deny the Holocaust but 6.000.000 is looking kinda sus. Smells of Jewish propaganda." vibes.
The famine existed, but it was not fabricated. It is proven there were many factors in play, such as climate that interfered with the crops.
"Ukraine always suffered famine on a 7 year cycle. This was that cycle."
Yea I've heard the Tankie excuses before. Next you'll blame the kulaks for not selling their grain to The State because they were too greedy to accept The State's price for the grain.
This is just USA cold war propaganda to make communism look bad, USA alone killed even more and still does to this day. Want to talk about fabricate famine? USA is the only country forcing embargo against Cuba!
So that we're 100% clear - you're denying the existence of О операции по репрессированию бывших кулаков, уголовников и других антисоветских элементов? I don't want to dance around the subject.
I'm not here to defend the US. Fuck the US too.
Are you implying the government killed girls?
The government? Goodness, no! The entire purpose of The State is to make sure that there are enough layers of indirection and bureaucracy such that no blame could ever befall The State. The blame will always be at a lower, more expendable level that can be only denied or blamed as a defector or someone disobeying "actual" State policy.
A not insignificant number of parents from villages where State officials wouldn't look the other way? Certainly. You don't end up with a gender ratio this fucked otherwise.
The easy way to get around the one-child policy was to not register your child with The State - as pointed out by the Tankie defense of the policy. In order to do that you needed an official willing to look the other way.
But if that's far too much reading - here's a TL;DR that's two paragraphs from it that sums it up nicely.
Tankies celebrate Lenin and Trotsky's massacres of socialist revolutionaries, including the Mensheviks, the sailors of Petrograd, the Socialist Revolutionaries, the anarchists, unaffiliated peasants who had their food confiscated and so on. Tankies also celebrate murdering 'kulaks', a word they use to describe any peasant that resisted Soviet imperialism, but especially the Ukrainian peasants that resisted sending all their food to Russia, which they rightly guessed would lead to mass-starvation and one of the worst atrocities in history; the catastrophic Holodomor man-made famine.
A tankie is anyone who presents themselves as a 'communist', but engages in apologism for torture, slavery, imprisonment, imperialism, capitalism, genocide and the erasure of actually liberatory movements. A tankie is anyone that claims communism can be achieved by replacing a state with another state. A tankie is anyone that will swear up and down that state-capitalism, dictator personality cults and ecosystem-destroying mass-industry will eventually lead to communism through the "withering away" of the brutal state that they uphold.
You even get a second reply. Because....
Even if there wasn't enough evidence that dessalines is parentis_shotgun - it doesn't matter! dessalines does not deny being a Tankie and makes no efforts to hide their political thoughts. You can go to and read through dessalines posts. Find the one where they say "I'm not exactly hiding my politics" and link to their essays on Github. Or you can just go to the essays from their Github profile after confirming that the dessalines that is a Lemmy dev is the same dessalines that is admin on and find the link to their essays that way.
There you can see they attempt to answer many questions. Some generic to Communism - but many more defending Tankie talking points such as:
Did the Soviet Union manufacture a famine in Ukraine? What about the Holodomor?
Where they link to articles that deny the genocide.
And also defend Stalin by linking to revisionist propaganda:
What about Stalin? Didn't he kill millions?
And deny that the Cheka secret police murdered millions of people as ordered by The State:
Did the Soviet Union repress and kill millions of people?
They deny the Tiananmen Square massacre - calling it a propaganda hoax:
What about the Tiananmen square massacre?
Their defense of China's 1-child policy? "60,000,000 girls weren't killed from infanticide. Only 35,000,000 were." and they provide no other explanation for the severe gender imbalance that China has:
Did China really kill / commit infanticide on millions of girls during the 1-child policy?
There isn't any need to prove that dessalines is parentis_shotgun in order to claim that dessalines is a Tankie. dessalines is very openly a Tankie. One only needs to read the political thoughts that they openly share.
No other TLD would get me the domain hack of "aishiteiru" - a Japanese word for "to love".