Doggy style?
Whenever I see these headlines I no longer see the Trump as stupid ... nor do I see Biden as equally dumb.
I see the whole American system of government as stupid and non functioning .... American government is basically a glorified old age home at this point.
The dumb part is the whole country accepting that.
Nobody is woke in America .... they're living the American dream, which you have to be asleep in order to enjoy.
There are military vehicles here?
Especially when you start counting the number of people that have died either directly or indirectly from coal, oil and every fossil fuel.
If your extrapolate the data into the next hundred years ..... fossil fuels will have responsible for the deaths of billions.
Compared to nuclear energy ..... fossil fuels is killing us slowly and will kill us all if we don't stop using them.
There's a bed in this picture?
Also Fook Yu .... and Fook Mi
Says man who leads an organization that hasn't changed in 2000 years.
Or just use one stream .... then if you really want to watch something you can't get ... just put on your peg leg and raise the flag on your ship.
I agree ... Prohibition doesn't work.
But making it very difficult and expensive to maintain an addictive habit would much better.
The same would go for alcohol. If alcohol was more regulated, more controlled, not sold in public houses or businesses (including bars) and the price increased, taxed more with taxes going towards addiction treatment, education and medical assistance for those affected by alcohol .... less people would drink alcohol.
If you have a culture where you freely allow businesses to promote, sell and provide an addictive substance that provides little to no health benefit .... especially if it makes high profits ... companies will want to encourage a culture of making their substance widely acceptable.
Alcohol looks acceptable because it's promoted, advertised and normalized everywhere. If it weren't, less people would be drinking.
Advertising of smoking is highly regulated and discouraged now ... smoking is no longer normalized ... which is why people smoke less.